CO2 Climate Change Global Warming Hoax

by ground effect Friday, Nov. 27, 2009 at 2:40 AM

It seems that the UN agency in charge of correlating data concerning the supposed increasing worldwide temperatures, the CRU, has been faking, fudging, fluffing and frauding with the hundreds of millions of dollars spent to gather raw data on what they have asserted are rising global temperatures.

CO2 Climate Change Global Warming Hoax

Lord Monckton seeks prosecution of these "arrogant fraudsters

A whistle blower has released e mails between the members of the CRU relating on how to perpetrate this fraud by a full bag of dirty tricks such as cutting fundings, character assassinations and media manipulations by interested financial parties to the resultant push; given false data which they say they have lost, on human caused warming, for a carbon tax. To go to the IMF in order to 'attend' to this threat of industrial CO2 emissions and the rising sea levels and catastrophic uncontrolled temperature increases.

The entire premiss of a CO2 boogyman promoted by the Al Gore follower cults has been shown with its pants down, ready to have its way with populations of the world. A tax on carbon emitions would push billions into starvation and further yoke the productive capacity of all human processes above the mud brick technology of a third world society while offering yet another vehicle for speculations and monetary malfeasance.

Original: CO2 Climate Change Global Warming Hoax