One man and his donkey bring down the US empire

by Resolved White Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009 at 12:29 PM

With a little help from US corporations

One man and his donk...
the_bin.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375

Bin Laden does not need to send his men to America to terrorize us anymore.

He has the US military and the massively corrupting Corporations doing that job for him.

With unlimited state socialism for the US corporations and expensive, useless, wars for the military we are running ourselves, rapidly, into the ground.

As Bin Laden predicted - the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have contributed the lion's share to sapping America's resources as happened to the old Soviet Union in Afghanistan before us.

The massive overspending on state socialism for the health and bank corporations and military spending must stop before we even begin to tackle the next body blow on the horizon: The dumping of the fast-declining US dollar by Russia and other rising economies plus the oil heads.

The US dollar has been in steady decline over the eight-year period since June 2000.

It has dropped by around 65 per cent against the Euro in that time.

Major oil and gas producers and those in East Asia and elsewhere with large foreign currency reserves, are coming under increasing pressure to ditch the greatest cause of global inflation today -the fast-declining US dollar.

Though many have been resistant to this idea, sooner or later economic realities will overcome political interests that negate its rationale.

Iran has spearheaded this idea with its own Oil Bourse that trades mainly in Euros and Yen, and by converting its reserves to other currencies.

While Iran is already reaping the benefits of these moves, it however lacks the financial muscle to make a real dent in world trade trends.

The country that is most likely to realise this idea with both impact and impunity - and has some outstanding scores to settle with the US - is Russia.

Why would Russia continue to amass a rapidly deteriorating currency in its reserves at a time when its own economy is stronger than most others? Why indeed would any country want to continue trading in a currency that harms its terms of trade?

The slightest hint of a move by Russia to ditch the dollar substantially would fuel speculation by a number of unstoppably powerful agents: national central banks, currency speculators and those same global corporations that emanated from the West.
The consistently timid Arab oil exporters would join the fray once a trend is started.

The Bin is laughing in his cave.