by Fábio de Oliveira Ribeiro Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2009 at 2:27 AM

Chronicle of a shit country.

From the end of the century XIX the distinction between right and left takes into account mainly the monopoly of the production and of repression means and the critic to the transformation in merchandise of all of the aspects of the life under the capitalist regime. The merchandise occupies a prominence paper in this dispute.

The things only if they turn merchandise when they enter in circulation, in other words, when his use value if it identifies with his change value. Under the capitalist regime everything is merchandise, besides the workforce. For this the man's non humanization is inevitable.

The capitalist is inhuman because only links with other men when he is among same. In the company he just links with the "workers and consumers" that allow or they should allow the perpetuation of his business and profit. During the work day the employee is just the bearer of the merchandise that interests the employer. Out of her the worker fattens the mass depersonalized that it is not in conditions of creating what consumes, nor of participating in the planning of his political and economical destinies community. The community of the consuming/worker's destiny is the statistical category manipulated by the business and state bureaucrats.

The man's valorization as man is difficult or else impossible in the capitalist regime. Besides, to the smallest risk the owners of the middle of production and repression fall back upon the use of the rude and symbolic force inside and out of the work places. Fascism and Nazism are not historical accidents, they are the two supreme forms of the violence political organization to force the consuming/worker continue without having any social importance or political autonomy. The real socialism, just as it was practiced in USSR and satellites, very little differed of the fascism and of the Nazism.

In reason of the abyss that always existed between rich and poor (10% of the population control 75% of the national wealth - IPEA 2008), in Brazil the fascism goes and turn every 30 years. The first Fascist episode began in the decade of 1930, the second in the decade of 1960. The third party has been fomented timidly by the media with help of prominent members of the Judiciary.

The only way to impede the eternal return of the political repression would be the punishment of the responsible for the practices of brutalities during the Fascist cycles. But in Brazil this has not been happening.

After the end of the Vargas dictatorship nobody was made responsible by their actions, not even the dictator. While Hitler committed suicide and Mussolini was executed by the crowd, Vargas went to his farm where was not inconvenienced by anybody. The politics in Brazil is so surrealist, that Vargas returned the politics like candidate to President and his proposal of the petroleum nationalization was supported by the same lead and militant of left that he ordered to arrest and to torture in the period in that it was dictator.

It finishes the initiate dictatorship in 1964 the civilians that gave sustentation to the military ones were in the power. The lead nd militant of left that were pursued if they pleased in receiving compensations. The soldiers in charge of arresting, to torture and to kill political dissidents is all liberate and healthy. Their fat expirations and gratifying retirements are paid for their victims and for the relatives of these.

This shameful impunity of torturers and murderers, that it stimulates another cycle of political repression, has a curious reason. The Brazilian left succumbed to the logic of the merchandise. When accepting compensations the leaders and militant of left they transformed the worst moments of their lives in merchandise and not in a source of political motivation. This denial of the denial to the man's transformation in thing did with that the Brazilian left was doubly impotent.

In Brazil the left not only it doesn't struggle against the torturers' impunity and uniformed murderers because it doesn't have ethical conditions of doing this, but also because their leaders' mundane interests passed identifying with the preservation of the mercantile solution found by the right to block any reaction. The Brazilian left, that it was defeated in 1964, it continues being defeated to each monthly fee of the pensions that you/they are deposited by the Union in favor of the human merchandise of the left.

This week an advocated supposedly of left was indicated for the vacancy that opened in STF (more important Brazilian Tribunal). His indication was endorsed quickly by the right. Any innovation. There is very little time him same if it turned sorcerer's apprentice when defending the validity and effectiveness of the Amnesty Law that it impedes the torturers' and uniform murderers punishment . When I was child, some years after my house it was invaded to kicks by the gorillas of the dictatorship, the official propaganda of the regime in television was:

"Brazil loves him or leave it. "

This is a sentence that continues quite current. "Brazil, love him or leave it". Best to leave it. Here the right dominates everything and until the left underwent his merciless mercantile logic.