It’s Time For You To Wake Up!

by Joe Weaver the god of humanity Friday, May. 08, 2009 at 11:51 AM

Ask yourself, do you have fear about what other people think of you? Are you worried about your reputation? Why? How do you see yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Is there anything that you would change about yourself

The information and experiences I have learned in the last few years have allowed me to awaken my consciousness and live with a new awareness of fear. As a result I now see how much fear there is in people around the world. This has been a humbling experience to say the least. I am not saying that I would not have fear if I witnessed my son falling down the steps or getting hurt in some way. It is a matter of not living your life “in” fear. There is a difference.

Most people live in a state of fear and have no idea they are doing so. Ask yourself, do you have fear about what other people think of you? Are you worried about your reputation? Why? How do you see yourself? Do you love yourself unconditionally? Is there anything that you would change about yourself? Why? What is the reason you want to make money, loose weight, build muscle, color your hair, wear nice cloths, live in a nice house? Are you doing it for yourself and family or someone else? You may not want to admit it, but most people do these things because they are worried about what someone else thinks of them. Sounds silly, but it is true. It all leads back to fear. If you live your life in love, gratitude and respect for others, there is no need for fear. Today the most talked about fear that is being marketed by the media is the economy. It is a normal conversation subject when you talk with your friends. If you feed into fear, you are not being truthful with yourself. Try not to talk about or feed into fear. Fear is what is driving the economy down, nothing else. The media plays a major role in spreading fear. They are now spreading the latest health “terror” regarding the Swine Flu. There is always more than one side to every story, and you are only hearing from one side, the side of fear. You hear about how the local governments are stocking up on vaccinations that may help you and how many people are perishing. You never hear about what you can do to boost your immune system, so that you don’t get sick in the first place. Fear creates tension and energy blockages in your body. It has been proven that stress and tension lower the PH level in the body. The lower your PH level, the weaker your immune system is and the more accessible you are to disease and viruses. Sure eating healthy food and exercising helps, but if you live your life in a continuous state of fear, tension and stress, it doesn’t really matter what you eat. The second most important factor to a strong immune system is your digestive system. Information like this is seldom advertised to the public. If the governments would spend more time, money and resources on educating the public on natural preventive health care, the world would be a different place. Most health care facilities only treat people who are sick and then give them prescriptions to cover up the diseases or mental issues. Many are given vaccinations or drugs that are not needed. This is a system based in fear. We have to start focusing on natural preventative health and not relying on vaccinations and the drug companies to make us feel better. I grew up in a Catholic family and went to a Catholic school. I have experienced and talked to people of many different faiths and religions. There is nothing wrong with practicing a religion and no one religion is better than another. They are all based on what you believe. The thing that most people do not realize is how much fear that they have simply from a “belief”. A belief is a contract. It limits you to what you see as the truth and therefore limits your views. Many people of religion rely on their “faith” and when something comes between this faith or belief, they have tremendous fear of the other view. Many people also attend or practice a religion for security reasons. It is their connection to the “unknown” and when another view is presented to them, they become insecure (which is fear). Are you feeling fear from reading this information? Why? Do you think that God, Jesus or any of the other prophets want you to have fear? Having fear will only limit your awareness. Practicing a religion can be an beautiful and rewarding experience. Fear comes in when you give your power away. God wants you to stand up and take “control of your life” without fear, not look to him for all of the answers. You are in control of your life–no one else, and until you realize this you will live in fear. With most religions there are rules and beliefs of what is described and taught as the truth. This is the difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality has no rules or beliefs. The door is open for you to discover your own path. There are no rules that say if you are a spiritual person you have to be serious or act a certain way. We are here on this earth to enjoy life and to have fun! Love to live and live in love! There are only two different types of energy, light and dark energy. Demons and evil spirits fall under what I call “dark energy”. You are fearful of dark energy because it has been ingrained into your cellular structure. The truth is that there is nothing to be be fearful of when it comes to dark energy. Always remember that light energy can enter dark energy, but dark energy can never enter the light! If you allow yourself to have fear you are working with a form of dark energy. The less fear you have, the more light your consciousness will have. In turn allowing you to live in love. Do you think God wants you to live your life in love or in a state of fear? When you live your life in love, there is no need for fear or protection! Fear cannot penetrate love because love is light energy. The two cannot reside in the same space unless you allow fear to exist. There is also no place called Hell. Hell is where you allow yourself to be until you awaken out of fear! There are many more different types of fear that I have not mentioned: fear of lack, fear of plenty, fear of knowing or not knowing, fear of dying, fear of punishment, fear of the unknown, fear of change, and the list goes on. The ego is responsible for fear and judgment and it is a built- in defense mechanism that we all have. A way to become aware of the ego is to start tracking your thoughts. The next time your making a decision or statement ask yourself if it is based in fear. The more times you choose not to go with fear, the more you will stand in your own power and therefore gain control over fear and the ego. Take a moment and think about what it would feel like to have no fear. It is a world that allows you to see the beauty in everything and a reason for everything. I am here to assist you in anyway that I can. This is the reason why I teach Shamballa workshops. Shamballa is a tool that assists you in releasing fear and energy blockages mentally, physically and spiritually. It is time for you to wake up out of fear! From this day may you walk in love with no fear and allow yourself to be free! Joe Weaver A Shamballa 13D Master Teacher, Crystal Energy Therapist, Healer, and founder of Joe has devoted his life to learning about energy work, and it's relation to the mind, body, and spirit. He received his Shamballa 13D Master Teacher certification in Labouheyre, France by Hari Das Baba, founder of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing. Joe's goal is to assist the planet and it's people through the great shift of human consciousness. * http://greenze. com * * Email: imagreenze@gmail. com *

Original: It’s Time For You To Wake Up!