AdvancedPhysics.Org Advocates Medeval "Obscurantism"!

by Roxbury Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009 at 8:18 PM

How this "Mission Statement" of AdvancedPhysics.Org conforms to the historically speculative and expermental nature of scientific inquiry is actually so beyond any basic imagination or logic as to be totally absurd!

"DO NOT POST YOUR THEORIES HERE! Got a new theory? Get some data and submit it to a peer reviewed paper BEFORE posting it here. This is not the place to show off your quacky ideas...
This is not a K-12 homework help site." (*If you violate this policy you will be banned from this site for life!)

The above is one section of the "rules" for submitting to the forums on AdvancedPhysics.Org - Obviously this is not a site for any "sharing" of any kind of creative ideas or theories - as the above dictum states,any ideas or "theories" must be somehow already "carved in stone" and given the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval or its equivlent!
How this "Mission Statement" of AdvancedPhysics.Org conforms to the historically speculative and expermental nature of scientific inquiry is actually so beyond any basic imagination or logic as to be totally absurd!
The real problem or sticking point at AdvancedPhysics.Org is that they absolutely do not want you to post anything that in any way "conflicts" with or holds up to public scrutiny the dictates and agendas of the Industrial-Military Complex.

Seeing that many universities get a load of their funding for advanced weapons research from the Military,it certainly behooves them to restrict and censor anybody who would question their morality and ethics in willingly inventing and constructing new and despicable weapons (like microwave and electromagnetic mind altering weapons) for the US Military and the CIA etc.
For AdvancedPhysics.Org, (who claim to be representing American university physics students) to deny and completely censor commentary on the development of inhuman "weapons programs" and the gross immorality of universities to aid & abet these fascists and war mongers, says all that really needs to be said about that particular website!!!