pro life-pro-choice

by murdock todd cote Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009 at 6:52 AM

right to choose

Pro Life vs. Pro choice
By Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

The Pro-choice movement seems to think that they should have control of a woman bodies, that it be sanctioned by the Government; I applaud President Obama’s stance on choice. As for me I am a little ticked about what they said, they said if the President wants unification then he should be prolife as America wants him to be, maybe he knows more then they do; that government should never have power over a woman’s body woman are the masters of there on bodies not the government.

We do not live in the middle ages any more, religion should not have any influence over government this is not the reformation or Victorian England; we our the United States of America a nation founded on free will. The right to choose our own destiny, America is the last outpost of freedom of everything we hold dear. Millions have come to these shores seeking religious, cultural freedom. We left the old world and the persecution from religious sects and there so called reformation. We our a country of many cultures, religions, and orientation both religious and sexual and we are united as one nation with many goals with one goal
Dignity, and respect for each other regardless of politics or religion or how we live our lives. As for the battle of pro-life and Pro-choice, my belief is that no government be they province, village, city or town should be masters of a woman’s body.

I also believe that everyone’s is the master there own bodies man or woman, I also believe in stem cell research. The right to terminate a pregnancy should always be the right of any woman. The thing that the pro life movement should know, that not everyone in the United States of America thinks as they do. I cherish life as anyone does, but what happens when children are violated; rapes, sexual assaults on disabled women do you really think you should force babies to babies woman forced to have these children from rape. In retrospect I respect a person most basic human rights, basic personal rights to govern their own bodies; the human right to choose and government or religion shall have power over it or circumvent these rights which are the basic human rights, the right to choose.