Religion and the Military are Ungodly

by Earth Friend Gen Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2008 at 10:22 PM

Religion is UNGODLY because it separates God's children. God made everything, therefore everything is God. "Satan" symbolizes the aspect of God we do not understand

Religion is UNGODLY because it separates God's children. God made everything, therefore everything is God. "Satan" symbolizes the aspect of God we do not understand; feed with fear and judgement, and deny love. Everything is a symbolic aspect of our own human nature and level of consciousness. All the answers are already within our hearts--Our Earth-Heart. Become ONE with NATURE and become ONE with GOD. NATURE IS GOD. Everything else is man-made, including the "Holy" Bible (and all other "Holy" books), institutions, and religions. Belief systems keep us from ever truly evolving and reaching God-consciousness--our true birth right. Religion and the Military are the unholy parents perpetuating the blame/shame/fear-based reality of modern "civilization"--which happens to be the most uncivilized thing on planet Earth!!! There is no greater abomination on planet Earth than war. Not only are many civilians, including women and children, caught in the cross-fire, but war is the greatest desecrator of our environment. War poisons the environment for generations and generations to come. War is the most ungodly thing on planet Earth because so many wars are fought by religious fanatics killing in the name of God. And there is no greater sin than using God's name in vain. Which part of, "Thou shalt not kill and love your enemies do religious war mongers not understand?! War is for whores because the military murders for money to uphold the ways of Babylon while raping Mother Earth; and poisoning, torturing, crippling, and murdering her children. The military is worse than baby rapersand baby killers because war is organized mass murder that is supported by society. Everyone knows that raping babies is bad, but war is considered honorable. War is Satanic worship and ritual usually performed in the name of God. There is nothing worse than harming others in the name of God! Prostitutes are more honest than most preachers, politicians, and soldiers because they aren't pretending to be something they are not. The wolves in sheep's clothing shall soon be cast into the eternal fire of God! We ALL have the conscious choice to know better. It is 2008 and it is the age of information. You can choose the popular path of blame/shame and fear, or the path of empowerment. No more excuses! I AM Earth Friend Gen and I call unto God for instant karma NOW! God, how long shall they desecrate Mother Earth in your name? How long shall the military violently force their ways upon humanity in the name of peace and righteousness? God and Jesus Christ, you say, "ask and ye shall recieve, knock and it shall be opened unto you". Well, I ask for karma to come swiftly at the speed of light so that every thought, word, and deed manifest NOW! Everyone needs to realize that what they give is what they live. The illogical and hypocritcal, fear-driven/war-based reality of society has

gone on for far too long!!! Society is so drugged up on prescription pills and brain washed by the T.V., that they believe in a drug-free America and the "War on Terror". I call unto Mother Earth and ALL of CREATION for the Great Harvest of Humanity. It is time for Mother Earth to shake the very foundation of our souls. I am a human being reclaiming her birthright as God's child of light. I fear nothing and no one for I AM EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! I AM GOD COMPREHENDING ITSELF. We are all created in God's likeness, therefore, we are little Gods and Goddesses growing up. It is time to question ALL you "think" you know, and let go of all these rigid belief systems while you still can! The only constant is change and those not willing to evolve shall perish. The choice is yours and the time is NOW. Hallelujah! May you ALL have the courage and compassion to truly live God's Naked Truth NOW. May everyone realize that we are ALL ONE and what we do to others, we do to ourselves. I wish harm upon no one. I only wish to EMPOWER EVERYONE so that we ALL may realize that we are responsible for EVERYTHING IN OUR LIVES. God bless us ALL and may ALL bless God. Amen.

Genuinely, Gennifer Moss, Earth Friend Gen

Original: Religion and the Military are Ungodly