Betrayal of hope by Obama's new neoliberal regime

by Getting ready for disappointment Friday, Nov. 21, 2008 at 12:40 PM

People who thought that Obama would bring us change and some sort of positive direction need to brace themselves for the ultimate betrayal once the new neoliberal Obama regime replaces the old neoconservative GW bush regime, another shift change in the psychiatric ward we call the United States..

Instead of remaining in Iraq, the U.S. military troops can now be redeployed to the Afghanistan/Pakistan border in the hunt for the elusive and quite possibly deceased Osama Bin Laden, leader of the al Qaeda organization..

If Obama is willing to chase Bin Laden to the ends of the Earth, we can count on nothing less than four more years of military invasions of any region deemed a likely "hiding spot" for the former Saudi prince turned "terrorist"..

Instead of rabid and reckless McCain, we can expect cold and calculating Obama putting on the gloves and taking after the terrorists with his Chicago style coolness and sauveness. No linguistic blunders and misreads of the teleprompter like GW Bush that we could all laugh about, Obama will be the serious and well spoken voice at the head of the U.S. empire's death machine of militarism..

Democrats like Republicans are nothing less than whores of the U.S. empire building corporations that care for nothing less than profits and resource aquisitions and control..

Am in complete agreement with the recent statement by Ayman al Z from al Qaeda that calls Obama a "House Negro" sent in to do the dirty work and clean-up for the corporatist imperialist powers that allowed him to win the election, maybe to placate the darker skinned people "See, America is not racist, or why would we elect a black president"? and encourage them to join the military, becoming "Bombers for Obama" as the "war on terror" continues..

To the folks who are offended by Ayman's statement, get a fucking clue already! Why else would Obama have won the election, unless there was already an agreement that military conquest in the Middle East continues??

If Malcolm X were alive today, he would most likely remind people of the problems caused by U.S. foreign policy, and would recommend the best way to "stop the terrorists" would be to listen to their demands (remove U.S. military presence from Muslim lands, stop interfering politically in Muslims lands, and stop interfering with Palestinian self-determination) and allow al Qaeda to vanish by attrition, as once these simple demands from al Qaeda are met, there will be no more need or even desire for young Muslims to pick up arms and fight, they can stay with their families and live in peace, that is all that al Qaeda fighters really want..

If these demands are not met, get ready for another four years of fighting and killing, bombs, guns and other such happenings as al Qaeda will not cease defending Muslim lands from invasion by U.S./Israeli military troops. Can the U.S. really afford this prolonged batttle with the current state of the economy? The Big 3 U.S. auto makers could certainly use the money (Hey, those corporate jets need oil too!!) needed to fight this long term battle, as the jihadists will fight for free..

Just get ready to be disappointed in Obama, the U.S. troops leaving Iraq will only be sent over to Afghanistan/Pakistan, and new waves of bombings and new enemies will be made to prolong the "war on terror" waged to control the remaining petroleum reserves of the Middle East..

McCain says "Bomb bomb Iran" while
Obama says "Bomb bomb Pakistan"

We the people will get debt and war
Peace and freedom for us no more