What's Going on at UGSOA? James D. Carney UGSOA President LOSES 710 members in one day.

by EYE ON UGSOA Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2008 at 8:30 PM

Their is an uprising going on at UGSOA as 710 Security Police Professionals working for the State Department in Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, Kentucky, New Orleans, Connecticut, California, South Carolina, Arizona and New York voted to DUMP UGSOA as their collective bargaining agent on 9/10/08. This was UGSOA's Largest Local Union.

What's Going on at U...
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It has also been reported that the 270 members of UGSOA local 823 in Arizona are in the process of voting to DUMP UGSOA as their collective bargaining agent to join the SPFPA. www.SPFPA.Org

UGSOA a Dying Organization with little or no assets.

Since 2006 the UGSOA has lost approximately 2000 members with the current State Dept loss and has only $208,882 in net assets according to the U.S. Dept of Labor. With the loss of the State Dept this will cost the UGSOA approximately $400,000 a year in lost dues.

UGSOA declining membership comes as no surprise since many of its members have reported that UGSOA has failed to properly service it's members. "Whenever we have a problem or a grievance the UGSOA is NEVER AROUND TO HELP US" "Why should we pay dues to UGSOA if they are never their when we need them" stated one security officer who wished remain anonymous.

No Representation, No Service, little or no assets to properly represent the membership, lack of full-time representatives out in the field, No Medical Benefit or Retirement plans or programs for its members, decertifications and the refusal by its members to pay dues = a union on the path of destruction.

Many UGSOA members also report that many of UGSOA local unions are refusing to account for how their dues money is being spent. As in the case with UGSOA local 43, the leadership has refused to show the books and records or account to the membership on why the legal bills have not been paid.

On an international level, it has been reported that International UGSOA President James D. Carney who has taken over the helm since the death of Jim Vissar just a few years ago, is over his head when it comes to running a union. Many of his staff and inner circle report Carney's inability to trust those that are around him will lead to his downfall.

Many of Carney's inner circle and Executive Board report that Carney is a dictator who does not listen to reason, many Employers who have had dealings with him report about his inability to work with employers and the fact that his word is no good. Because of his actions both his inner circle, employers and his members find much distrust in Carney's ability lead. Still others report that Carney is paranoid and does not trust anyone, which has lead him to monitoring employees emails. Rumors have it that some Executive Board members are planning to run against Carney in their next International election, which is coming shortly.

For those of you who are thinking about joining this dying organization, think again!

For more information on UGSOA visit this website: www.EYEONUGSOA.ORG