Time for DISSENT is Now,=. Dont let OUR govt try to shut us up or out.

by mary janie Friday, Oct. 03, 2008 at 10:30 PM

Why is Congress not receiving calls and emails suddenly ? Does OUR govt not have enough funds for a decent size computer or telephone service ? Could it be that it is 'closed' so as not to hear what we HAVE TO SAY LOUDLY ? "We dont want that bill passed to bail out financial & investment corps"....is it not shouted out loud and clear enough? by so many, in blogs, commentaries, and over many personal daily conversation.....

When we have greater difficulty contacting those who are called "our" representatives, especially when most of us are voicing our DISSENT with their alliances to financial chummies, does that mean they have cut their ties off to the public they depend to vote for them ?

and fund their offices ?

and sign off our tax payments to the govt ?

What does that move of inaccessibility in times of so-called "crisis" [even if it mostly for big rich corps and investors and banks and such, not most of us, the humble voting public citizens ] mean ?

Do we hold back our support for those who hide from us when they dont want to hear what we think and have to say ?

Do we join together to take out big ADS in public places and do art projects objecting to being 'left out' of the decisions they chose to make [not for US, but for Others]?

Instead of going along with the highly paid and highly advertised 2 parties that are claiming to be 'all there is to vote for now' [ a lie ! ] we chose to exert our voting influence elsewhere, vote but not for those who do bailouts even with verbal pretend 'reluctance'...ahem !

Can we chose more positively instead of always 'voting against that other one', which is always the negative view of preventing instead of positively choosing whom we want, regardless of winnability.

When 3rd parties are not allowed to be viewed by debates run by private corporations [that is who puts on debates, check it out ] we are not being give full choices at all.

When other candidates are being excluded from being heard or given anything like 'equal time' anywhere in the corp M$M [mass high paid media ], we are not given allll the 'news' nor given all our options.

We need to take direct actions, let each other know our secret real choices and thoughts and announce it anywhere, everywhere, and put it out w/o embarrassment or hesitation.

Wear a sign [pretty or elegant one] around your neck. Put a home-made sign on your door. Send emails & tell your truth to everyone you know and meet.

Send out greeting cards telling what you know and think [w/ a copy a msg. to insert].

Put yourself OUT to be seen, heard, & as a leader.Do more than you ever have before in these times when our country is once more [see Iraq war fakery & costs] needs citizens to be acting like concerned-citizens.

Like those we like to call "our forefathers" & mothers, continually did before. Dont rely and admire them.

Be them NOW!


Original: Time for DISSENT is Now,=. Dont let OUR govt try to shut us up or out.