fire watch

by doc Sunday, Sep. 21, 2008 at 12:22 AM

a fire

Fire Watch

By Murdock Todd Cote

As a Marine when I stood fire security watch I was responsible for everything that went on. Yet even being a guardsman the sitting President has forgotten that he is responsible for everything that happens on his watch. Thus far his watch has been fuba from day one of his administration to now has been economic self-destruction to the loss of thousands of lives in Iraq and the disasters of Katrina, Rita and Ike and more missteps and miss deeds in economics social programs and so on. The republican government has been nothing but a cluster f—k, press secretaries who don’t know what English economic experts who speak at not to the people who use high words that no body can understand to explain the man maid destruction of our nation. Now they are planning a major a major up of banks gone down the crapper, thing is who’s going to pay the bill for this saving of the economic well being of the United States of America. Who will benefit from this hell George Walker Bush created, a living breathing hell of no hope, no freedom only fear, mistrust, hate. It seems George doesn’t remember why we became a country. Now all I ever hear is fear your neighbor, fear how they worship, or even were there from; even the Obama and McCain campaign are starting to use the double talk and big words that simple people could not understand.

You get the vote and the loyalty by using fear and mistrust and in some respects violence, to control a population introduce fear to the population, blame and install fear of our neighbor’s families and friends by separation by racial fear, how else do you steel billions without people being divided by race, religion and fear

In 1933 this policy took down a fledgling democracy in Germany and brought horror to an entire world, a fire has started now it’s up to us to extinguish this fire created by old men in back rooms, secret society’s and groups hiding in shadow spreading this cancer of hate among our people-November comes the election for the Presidency of the United States. It is time to become patriots America and extinguish this cancer of hate, division and mistrust. It is time to become united as one people regardless of race, religion, sex and sexual orientation and I quote my personal hero Lionitis and the Three Hundred who stood before this fire thousands of years ago

“The world will know, that few stood against many, that free men stood against a tyrant and even a god king can bleed”

He said this before his death

Original: fire watch