Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing The NO ON PROP 8 Campaign?

by David Lee Frater Monday, Sep. 08, 2008 at 9:34 AM (213) 481-3899 1312 West Maryland Street, Suite 102, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Some Los Angeles Gay Leaders are telling they general GLNTQA community NOT to take their lawsuits to court, stating that they can serve them better from behind the doors of closed session board rooms, not open to public view.

Title : Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing the NO ON

PROP 8 Campaign?

By : David Lee Frater, Freelance Photo/Video Journalist

Copy: Free Press Release, publish and distribute at will.

This is a letter I sent into the Editor of the LA weekly, and now, I think the bulk of this letter needs to be re-formatted into an article, and forwarded onto the world wide free press syndicates.


Letter To The Editor, LA Weekly Sunday, June 22nd 2008

Dear Editor In Chief, Laurie Ochoa,

With respect to an article published in your most recent publication, LA Weekly, June 20th – 26th / VOL. 30 / No. 31, The article titled “The Gay-Marriage Chessboard”, subtitled, “Trying to protect Obama, activists argue that now isn't the time for more gay lawsuits”, By; Matthew Fleischer.

I found it interesting, in your claim, that the Gay Community at large is attempting to "protect" Obama, a man, who is very capable of defending himself without our help at all. I also found it note worthy, that no official representative of the Obama campaign was cited as having had any discussions at all, about this topic, with these "Community Leaders".

Most peculiarly of all, was the entire stance of this "Protect Obama" claim. Obama is a man, who has worked, and understands completely, how real activism works, it works from the bottom up, not the top down. He has said so HIMSELF many times. Why would his organization, do a complete reversal, on this one issue alone?

I have some other issues I wish to discuss about some things that were stated by “long time activists”, who's credentials were somehow left out of the arguments presented.

As any grass roots, real world activist knows, people who have studied, and employ the non-violent, peaceful revolutionary lessons of persons such as Mahatma Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Morris Kight, and many others of local note. Battles are NEVER won with dubious, tentative, alliances to people or organizations not wholeheartedly dedicated to your needs, your desires or your goals. Battles, and wars, are ALWAYS won with the bravery, valor, and dedication of your own front line soldiers in a HUGE army, PERIODE.

For example, allow me to cite the example of the British Empire, seeking to assert control over the most basic commodities of daily life, salt, during the time when Ghandi was attempting to overturn the British control of India, and return control of that country to the native population.

Basically, what the British did, was enact a law, outlawing the native production of salt in India, thereby establishing an economic stranglehold on one of the most basic nutritional needs of people, salt. Ghandi did NOT respond with... “Let us fight this in the courts, in a controlled way, with your known 'leaders'. Trust us, we know what is best for all the rest of you little persons out there!”... No, NOT AT ALL !!! What Ghandi did was encourage the ENTIRE POPULATION to resist and defy the unjust law EN MASSE. Thousands upon thousands, countless thousands, of native Indians went down to the sea shores, constructed drying pools on the beaches made from sand with their bare hands, and dried the sea salt in the open air. They offered bags of wholesome, natural, unprocessed sea salt to the population for a tiny fraction of what the British demanded for their version of “civilized” salt. Naturally, Ghandi was arrested for his part in this, and just as naturally, the people continued to disobey this unjust law, en masse, until, finally, the law, and that tactic of population control by creating false shortages and over priced goods for basic needs items was abandoned by the British Occupation Government.

This is how battles are won, of the people, by the people, for the people.

They are not won in cigar smoked closed session board rooms by persons not representing what they claim to represent in the first place.

This myopic stand, taken by so called “GLBTQA Leaders”, who, after all, are all self appointed “leaders”, none are voted into their offices by the general GLBT QA communities, EVER, defies the basic tenants of time proven, time tested liberation methods, as employed by Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Morris Kight, and many, many others.

My word to the GLBTQA community is DO NOT TRUST OTHERS to deliver you to the promised land, FIGHT THAT BATTLE FOR YOURSELVES !!!

Love First, Love Always, LOVE ONLY

David Lee Frater

Original: Are California Gay Leaders Mis-Managing The NO ON PROP 8 Campaign?