"Two If By Sea" premieres Saturday on Republic Broadcasting

by Janet C. Phelan Saturday, Jul. 19, 2008 at 9:48 PM

Pacifica affiliate KSKQ host launches new show.

Janet Phelan and Dr. Rebecca Carley join forces to bring you "Two If By Sea," your early warning system. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."-- George Orwell

As we enter a time in the history of the planet where governments, through deception, lies and covert weapons are attacking their own citizenry, "Two If By Sea" offers critical information as to the nature of the world we live in and how best to protect yourself in the coming days. "Two If By Sea" will air every Saturday from 12-2 p.m. Pacific Time on Republic Broadcasting Network. Go to

republicbroadcasting.org and click on listen live.

Janet C. Phelan is an investigative journalist (The American's Bulletin) and talk show host (KSKQ, Ashland, Oregon). Since the attacks on the people of New York City by the government of the United States on September 11, 2001, she has focused her work on eugenics programs within the United States of America. She is best known for her article "Water As A Weapon" and her investigations on the war against the elderly and vulnerable through the conservatorship and guardianship programs in State Superior Courts, published as "The Probate Murders" series, as well as other articles on corruption within the justice system. Her first book, "The Hitler Poems," was published in 2005.

Dr Carley is the only court qualified expert in VIDS (Vaccine

Induced Diseases) in the world, which include all auto immune diseases and cancer, in people and in pets. She has written the definitive paper on how vaccines corrupt the immune system (entitled "Inoculations the

True Weapons of Mass Destruction, which can be accessed on www.drcarley. com). She has also developed the Hippocrates protocol using natural therapies to reverse VIDS, in people and in pets.

Original: "Two If By Sea" premieres Saturday on Republic Broadcasting