Dianne Feinstein response to Cheney Impeachment

by California Native Sunday, Jul. 13, 2008 at 11:08 AM

Dianne Feinstein's excuse: "At this time, however, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush or Vice President Cheney will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success."

I wrote my senator Dianne Feinstein asking her to support the majority of the people by impeaching Cheney, and the corrupt Bush Administration, for war crimes. She answered my email once, but I was unable to reply because she has blocked my address, to avoid further communication, and my email was returned to me marked "undeliverable - senator feinstein does not like recipient".

I have included my response to senator Feinstein's email, as well as her response, below, so that all may read and understand our correspondence without bias.


Feinstein's reply:

Thank you for your letter concerning impeachment proceedings against Vice President Richard Cheney. I appreciate the time you took to write and welcome the opportunity to respond.

In our last national election, voters expressed clear disapproval with the path this country is on. They are tired of partisan politics and of an Administration that pays little heed to the wishes of the American people. They want-and deserve-a Congress that holds the Administration accountable and fulfills its Constitutional responsibility to check and balance the Executive branch. I share this sentiment and am determined to work hard in the United States Senate to promote issues that are of real concern to most Americans, including the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, homeland security, global warming, and the current state of our economy.

At this time, however, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush or Vice President Cheney will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success.

I have been deeply disappointed by many of this Administration's actions and have been outspoken in those instances. Nevertheless, given the challenges our country faces I believe that we need to focus on constructive and cooperative steps that would lead us in the right direction. It is my hope that the next Presidential Administration's actions will more accurately reflect the will of the people.

Again, thank you for your letter. If you have any additional questions or comments, please contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/. You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ENewsletterSignup.Signup.

My reply to Feinstein --- I hope she will finally read it, even though she blocked me from her email to avoid any further possible communication.


Dear Ms. Feinstein,
In the case of U.S. government corruption, when you refuse to become part of the solution, you are part of the problem. In your email, you completely contradict yourself by supporting Cheney with your excuse, impeaching Cheney will "only divide the country even further".

Do you mean you refuse to hold Cheney accountable for fear that impeaching and holding the corrupt Bush Administration accountable for lying about and committing inhumane, illegal war crimes will "only divide the country even further". SO WHAT? Dividing the U.S.A. did not matter to you when the White House divided the country, and labeled the non-Bushies non-patriotic terrorists.

Do you mean you too allow mass murders to kill freely, because not allowing them would upset the small percentage of other ruthless murderers? (ie: the murder the Bush Administration presently commits in the Middle East?).

Do you honestly fear that the 10% corporate elite (Big oil, WTO, Corporate America, etc.) will be divided from the 90% of the rest of the U.S. people? Could this be because you find yourself in that 10%? Or can you simply not afford ($$$) to work for the People?

I notice you made no efforts to prevent the division of the country the Bush Administration and the NWO has created; however, you expect me to believe your contradictory excuse to ignore the People's demand to persecute them for their war crimes?

You use this contradictory excuse several years much too late.

The emperor you protect is wearing no clothes.

I don't buy it --- try again.


M. Seferian

Feinstein: "At this time, however, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush or Vice President Cheney will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success."

