KPFK is biased, still, while pretending to be "fair"

by sidestepper Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 10:02 AM

KPFK is not as claimed repeatedly, but mostly prefers OPPOSITIONAL views and programmers want to be "rescuers" to be Heroes and superior. Sorry. Bad game plan.

KPFK programming is not 'fair and balanced' at all, and doesnt claim to be, mostly being just reactive, oppositional, and looking for any person/group that claims to be a VICTIM that the rebels can get behind to be RIGHTEOUSLY ANGRY and provocative.

To expect this station to be neutral, to offer more than 1 side seems to be asking too much.

The only benefit is that the side that these programmers and staff support provides information that is less available, like listening to someone you Know is Off Balance and deliberately so and yet you/I want to hear what they have to say, anyhow...not that they are Right or Better or Superior, tho they may want to think so.

And then occasionally educational information, social/ psychological/philosophical tid bits creep in at times that is not heard elsewhere too.

Some of us have realized that KPFKers want to be "rescuers", "Saviors", Heroes most of all, and to confront any majority, any more prevalent view, any more common thinking, anything OTHER than what is said & heard elsewhere. That provides a very limited version of the world.
It also provides some thought-provoking, even frustratingly biased, points of view.

Many of us who subscribe frequently turn away from the station when the programmer wants to harass us all with their "only true" version of whatever soap box they have just chosen. Then we just stay away for a long while, being 'turned off'.

This limited and discriminatory way of voicing views is not beneficial to the funding or loyalty of subscribers to this station but no one seems to care anyway. While claiming to be open and honest and questioning authority - it is only questioned elsewhere, never here inside the station, until they want to get rid of a GM or something drastic like that, but not before catastrophe has struck. oh well.....

Who can tell those who are biased, discriminate, accuse and believe themselves to be privileged to do so on our paid airwaves that they are abusing the mission of the organization and it's funding providers ?

Who can tell those who deny their abuse that they are impure too ?

KPFKers dont even read the Listener Forum on the website posts to find out what other ones think or worry about. Or if a few do read it, they do not contribute, reply, respond, or make themselves known to create "a conversation = communication", as the Forum is probably set up to be.

How hard it is to say something "other" than what is stated on air repeatedly as "the Truth"!
Which is obviously, the station's version as "the only one"
again....again...repeated fervently...again.