Get your boots on

by Anton Macker Wednesday, Jul. 25, 2007 at 11:37 AM

Miss Barak is going to war

Get your boots on...
miss_barak6.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x374

Open question to Barak, the cross dresser.

Does anyone in Israel have the courage to finish the occupation, return the refugees and settle Jerusalem? If the answer is no, then you will all be refugees again soon just as you are prisoners now of your own divice.

From a Leaked British Cabinet Office paper (updated) of 21 July 2002.

The Israeli re-occupation of the West Bank has dampened Palestinian violence for the time being but is unsustainable in the long-term and stoking more trouble for the future.

Anyone in Israel listening?

The Bush speech about a Palestinian half-state was at best a half step forward.

We are using the Palestinian reform agenda to make progress, including a resumption of political negotiations.

The Americans are talking of a ministerial conference in November or later or sometime on something or other.

Real progress towards a viable Palestinian state is the best way to undercut Palestinian and other extremists in our great war on terror and reduce Arab antipathy to our military action against the other Muslims.

However, another upsurge of Palestinian/Israeli violence is highly likely.

Even when Abbas and Fatah are expelled from Gaza and surrender to Israel it will make Hamas even more determined and will lead to them taking over The West Bank soonish, depending on which foolish and brutal military Barak takes.

Hamas will soon be able to fight to the level Hezbollah fights and any re-occupation of Gaza will only enhance this capability and bring it forward.

Original: Get your boots on