WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!!

by Dragonfly Nymph Thursday, Jun. 28, 2007 at 4:34 PM

Since the mosquito season is upon us, many regional vector control districts will use corporate PR myths to promote toxic pesticide spraying to combat WNV. However, this yearly cycle of spraying can increase mosquito populations by adversely reducing populations of beneficial predator species..

There are a great many myth being purported by the pesticide manufacturers (DuPont, Monsanto, Bayer, etc..) that their petrochemically derived products will reduce the risk of WNV transmission from mosquitos. The pesticide corporations have recieved help from many forms of U.S. government in promoting their WNV myths at the people's expense..

NO spray attempts to dispel corporate lies;

"The CDC bases much of its information concerning international health issues, epidemics and communicable diseases on reports by the CIA, a US governmental agency whose official role includes the dissemination of propaganda and disinformation throughout the world. The CIA oversees CDC operations in areas classified as a potential health threat to national security. The CDC has been implicated in numerous health disasters involving the distribution of vaccines both in the US and in the third world. Many scientists and researchers believe they are the source for a number of diseases that never previously existed. All of these diseases just happen to be associated with bio-warfare research labs working with or run by the CDC, the CIA and/or the U.S. Army. The CIA has a proven track record of misinforming not only foreign governments but other US governmental agencies, the Congress, the US military, the President of the United States and the American people on issues as diverse as the real condition of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Sadamn Hussein's intentions in the Gulf, the state of affairs in Iran and where U.S. tax dollars are actually being spent on covert operations. Even some US Senators now believe the CIA is largely responsible for the crack epidemic in the U.S.

As GW Bush and his likely appointee to be Attorney General-Rudy Giuliani-publicly admit, they get virtually all of their policy "ideas" directly from the Manhattan Institute, a think tank started by Ronald Reagan's CIA director, William Casey. Immediately after WWII, Casey played a major role in bringing thousands of top Nazi scientists and SS intelligence officials to the US. Many of them became employees of the > newly formed, CIA. Most of the pesticides being used in NYC are derived from nerve gasses developed by Nazi scientists. The company that patented and manufactured them in Germany, IG Farben, was a full partner with Rockefeller/Standard Oil before, during and since WWII. After the war, IG Farben was broken up into four companies that are now the world leaders in chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing and research.

Rockefeller/Chase Bank just happens to be the main funder of the Manhattan Institute. No less a high-level source than former Presidents Roosevelt and Truman considered the Rockefellers to be traitors to the U.S. who were actively aiding the Nazis throughout WWII {See The Secret War Against the Jews by Loftus and Aarons}. Among the key issues promoted by the Manhattan Institute, is a campaign to discredit 50 years of science demonstrating that pesticides, petroleum-based chemical pollution and pharmaceuticals manufactured by contemporary spin-offs of Standard Oil/Exxon and IG Farben are dangerous to human health and the environment. All a coincidence? See Peter Huber's books featured on the Manhattan Institute's webpage: www.manhattan-institute.org Also see: www.fair.org/media-outlets/stossel.html for an analysis of John Stossel

and his link to the Manhattan Institute."

other pesticde info @;


The result of yearly pesticide applications in ANY form will reduce the populations of beneficial predator insects (ie., dragonflies), frogs and others that frequently consume large amounts of mosquitos (inc. larvae) if left to their natural cycle..

"Spraying May Cause More Harm than Good

In addition to exposing the public to toxic pesticides, spraying leaves communities with a false sense of security making them less likely to use effective, non-toxic control measures. Long-term spraying may actually increase the number of mosquitoes by destroying predators that feed on mosquito larvae and adults. Additionally, mosquitoes that are sprayed, but not killed, by the pesticides may become resistant, live longer, become more aggressive biters, and have increased prevalence of WNv within their bodies."

read on @;


Interference with natural predator/prey eco-relationships by humans in the form of pesticide spraying results in decrease of beneficial predator insects that are unable to play their role as consumers of mosquitos. In addition, an evolved resistance to pesticide spraying occurs faster in mosquito populations than in predator populations. The longer life cycle of beneficial predators combined with the biomagnification up along the food chain could both influence this process. This results in an overpopulation of mosquitos and underpopulation of beneficials. The effects on human society is an increasing dependency on manufactured pesticides (believe me, petrochemical corporations just LOVE our dependency on their toxic products!!) that require stronger dosages to keep up with the exponential growth of mosquito populations lacking natural predators..

Beneficial bugs;

"Known as the canoeist's best friend, dragonflies catch mosquitoes and deerflies. In their nymphal phase (2 yrs) they are responsible for consuming thousands of mosquitoe larvae."

more @;



"As local pesticide spray programs targeting adult mosquitoes with West Nile virus continue throughout the U.S., it must be recognized that these spray programs are of very limited efficacy. That is, spraying is NOT an effective or efficient way to prevent death or illness associated with insect-borne West Nile Virus.

A large part of this has to do with understanding the life cycle of mosquitoes and their biology. Another large part of this has to do with the inability, especially in an urban environment, to hit target insects with typical ground spraying from trucks or by aerial application.

While recognizing the public health threat of West Nile virus (WNv) and other mosquito-borne diseases, and given the limited efficacy of adulticidal sprays, or pesticides meant to target adult mosquitoes, it becomes even more important to recognize the public health hazards associated with widespread pesticide exposure. The pesticides most commonly used across the country are neurotoxic and have been linked to cancer and other illnesses. People with compromised immune systems, chemically sensitive people, pregnant women, and children with respiratory problems, such as asthma, are particularly vulnerable to these pesticides and will suffer disproportionately from exposure."

read more por favor @;


When humans attempt to overide ecosystem cycles by substitution of synthetic corporate products, we are worsening the situation. Plenty of online info states that pesticide dependency results in decreased populations of beneficial predator insects and a resulting increase of harmful "pest" species (mosquitos, tomato worm, etc..) that evolve a resistance to the pesticide's active chemical. This is where the term "pesticide treadmill" comes from, as we can spray "new and improved" corporate pesticide products yearly to our heart's content, though over time the top of the food chain species (ie., humans, raptors, etc..) are damaged far worse by exposure to pesticides than are the target pest species..

Background info;

"Pesticide Resistance:

It has the menacing sound of an Alfred Hitchcock movie: Millions of rats aren't even getting sick from pesticide doses that once killed them. In one county in England, these "super rats" have built up such resistance to certain toxins that they can consume five times as much poison as rats in other counties before dying. From insect larvae that keep munching on pesticide-laden cotton in the U.S. to head lice that won't wash out of children's hair, pests are slowly developing genetic shields that enable them to survive whatever poisons humans give them.

Rachel Carson predicted such resistance in her groundbreaking book Silent Spring, published soon after the chemical insecticide glory days of the 1950s. And the problem is getting worse. Farmers in the U.S. lost about seven percent of their crops to pests in the 1940s. Since the 1980s, some 13 percent of crops are being lost -- and more pesticides are being used.

It's a huge problem, but the pests are only following the rules of evolution: the best-adapted survive. Every time chemicals are sprayed on a lawn to kill weeds or ants for example, a few naturally resistant members of the targeted population survive and create a new generation of pests that are poison-resistant. That generation breeds another more-resistant generation; eventually, the pesticide may be rendered ineffective or even kill other wildlife or the very grass it was designed to protect.

In many ways, human actions are hastening pests' evolution of resistance. Farmers spray higher doses of pesticide if the traditional dose doesn't kill, so genetic mechanisms that enable the pests to survive the stronger doses rapidly become widespread as the offspring of resistant individuals come to dominate the population.

These days, farmers and backyard gardeners alike are trying to outsmart the pests by using a variety of natural methods. With "integrated pest management," scientists encourage the spread of natural enemies of pests, or they lure the pests with a meal that's even more tasty than the vulnerable crop. Pesticides are only used as a last resort if every other method fails. Integrated pest management has had some successes, but pesticides are still the world's most popular way to kill pests. Something to ponder the next time you can't seem to kill a cockroach."

article @;


To claim the pyrethroids used in WNV spraying is safe is misleading and dangerous info. Studies show a high correlation between human exposure to pyrethroids and encephalitis, caused by the virus crossing the blood-brain barrier in humans. Pyrethroids impair the blood brian barrier in humans also!!

This from the St. Louis Greens;

"Dr. Dennis Goode, of the Biology Department at the University of Maryland, believes that the pesticides currently being used could also make it more likely that WNV would be transformed from a mild flu to a serious encephalitis. For encephalitis to occur, the virus must cross the blood-brain barrier. Pyrethroids are among the agents that impair the blood-brain barrier. Pyrethroids are the basis of the pesticides being used in 2002. Additionally, piperonyl butoxide (PBO), which is a synergist added to increase the killing power of the pesticide, works to prevent pyrethroids from breaking down, lengthening the period of time the pesticide works to weaken the blood-brain barrier."

article @;


Are we stuck in the pesticide treadmill??


Original: WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!!