Gaza liberated

by Digery Cohen Saturday, Jun. 16, 2007 at 4:30 AM

West Bank next

Gaza liberated...
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In the wake of the Hamas Government long delayed liberation of the Gaza Strip, President Bush will now work to stop the Hamas Government from taking over its duties in the West Bank, the White House said yesterday.

The U.S. therefore aims to accelerate the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to allow Abbas to pretend to some achievements.

Olmert intends to order Bush to contain Hamas' Government role to the Gaza Strip, and not to allowed it to spread to the West Bank as well, a government official said on Thursday.

The American administration is also interested in improving living conditions in the West Bank to demonstrate to the Palestinians that they are better off under Fatah/Israel than Hamas.

According to the israeli defense establishment containing the power of the Hamas Government within Gaza must be a priority.

"The defense establishment are determined not to see last week's liberation of gaza repeated in the West Bank," the source said.

Original: Gaza liberated