5th Generation Warfare

by Sheepdog Sunday, Jun. 03, 2007 at 10:54 AM

Information war. The not so silent, response to the manufactured 4th Gen. warfare of the pentagon which is a mere treatise of tactical response to civilian insurrection against an occupational force.

5th Generation Warfare.

It can become the ultimate war to end all wars. It can provide a world of open trade, law and policy. A time of great healing and renaissance as we look to tending this ravaged garden and leaping towards our human destiny among the stars as a free society.

It can turn the most feared forbidden weapons useless in the hands of a few maniacs pushing codes and raging at systems that have become inert. Soldiers that refuse to obey orders and commanders who flee in panic from revolts. Their chain broken at its base. The word has spread against all efforts to quell it. Raw truths.

It’s the arsenal of information, of this new age, open to the public, about who was involved paying whom to do what, now spread unretrievably into the public domain, a chain of criminal association that is now available to open review. And outrage.

5th gen warfare has rendered the old and controlled ordained Justice System abolished and a Public Review Process with as yet unknown consequences that will be dealt out to judged defendants has begun to grow into a political process. Once a tipping point of forbidden knowledge becomes common wisdom, once we as a people, see the hands pulling the strings on our lives, their real power, the power to command the motivations of their subjects, will slip away from them. Their swords to paper. The paid merc army protecting them may turn upon them in the heat of annihilation.

Gated estates will be abandoned for underground spider’s lairs.

The rage from their abuse and perversions driving their former subjects to hunt them down and dig them out.

Despite the effort to convince the people that they are helpless, the most feared consequence of the true structure of command and control is the acceptance of the majority of people to who their common enemy is. And who is extracting their life and labor while polluting the air and the waters and the lands we depend upon to live and prosper when they aren’t stealing it. Who is raping our world as they sit upon a pyramid of command who’s base is now crumbling away.

This information flare, this final war is the tool we as a human society have acquired to free ourselves from the ancient circles of secrecy the masters have drawn around us, spilling our blood. Driving us to murder our brothers and sisters with their children.

This is a clear cross road in humanity’s existence of a journey to either utopia or hell.

We must win this war.

Original: 5th Generation Warfare