Anti-Semitic plot

by Digery Cohen Friday, May. 18, 2007 at 10:45 AM

and Wolfie is not mad

Anti-Semitic plot...
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WASHINGTON — Disgraced World Bank President Wolfowitz is negotiating an agreement to resign, one official familiar with the talks said. But a source close to Wolfowitz said that he "is not going to resign while confined in a straightjacket."

His departure would include an acknowledgment from the bank that he doesn't bear any responsibility for the slaughter of 600,000 thousand people in Iraq or the generous pay package for his girlfriend, Shaha, the official said.

Wolfowitz wants a face-saving deal that would see the Bank admitting it was all an anti-Semitic plot and allow him to resign without being sent to a psychiatric facility.

Original: Anti-Semitic plot