Kent State Shootings ORDERED on May 4th, 1970

by tin soldier Wednesday, May. 02, 2007 at 3:42 AM

New evidence reveals that National Guardsmen at Kent State were given orders to shoot students on May 4th, 1970

Kent State victim: Tape may answer shooting mystery


Associated Press

CLEVELAND - A man shot in the wrist when National Guard troops opened fire

during an anti-war protest 37 years ago said he has found an audio tape

while doing research on the shooting that he claims shows a command to fire

was issued by a Guard commander. Alan Canfora said he requested a copy of

the nearly 30-minute tape six months ago after he learned it was kept at

Yale University, where a government copy had been stored in an archive. Just

before a 13-second barrage of gunfire, a voice on the tape yells, "Right

here! Get Set! Point! Fire!" Canfora said.


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Original: Kent State Shootings ORDERED on May 4th, 1970