Counter The Racists!

by TruthBTold Sunday, Mar. 25, 2007 at 10:18 PM

Ted Hayes leads Minutemen/SOS thru Downtown Los Angeles

Counter The Racists!...
kkkminutemen.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x336

Everyone needs to be in Downtown Los Angeles, corner of Olympic/Broadway around 10:30-11am, Sunday 3/25/07!!!!!

The confused nut, Ted Hayes, will be leading a March of the Racists through OUR streets calling on African-Americans to stand with the racists regarding immigration. He he trying desperately to pitt blacks against latinos.

ALL people of color, all people who sympathize with immigrants & their plight, all anti-racists, all humanitarians MUST COUNTER this disgusting ATTEMPT to spread hate & racism through OUR streets!

SOS is scared shitless, calling on the LAPD for more reinforcements, & also a wish for the National Guard!

****Protect yourselves, as well as your comrades!

Original: Counter The Racists!