by ntuit Thursday, Mar. 15, 2007 at 3:26 AM

Now Is the Time for Gays & Lesbians to End the War

Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace thinks it is immoral to be gay or to engage in homosexual acts.

Funny, he doesn’t seem to find the killing of men, women and children in an illegal war based on lies and deception to be “immoral.” I guess he might loose his job if he stood up for the real truth. That is if he were truly a moral person himself.

Funny, he doesn’t seem to mind that gays have given their service to this country and have given their lives as well. It’s ok with Pace – just don’t say you’re gay.

Pace doesn’t mind that gays and lesbians have to pay taxes from their hard earned wages to pay for a bloated, unethical and largely unnecessary American military which won’t even let a gay person be truthful about their basic identity. Why in the hell should they have to pay taxes for that? If that isn’t second class citizenship, then what is?

Now is the time to end the war in Iraq. All gay and lesbian military need to come out completely and then we will find out what the military is gonna do. We might find some surprises in store for General Pace. We might find out that he needs gays and lesbians a lot more than they need him.

Pace needs to resign now. Our military personnel need to look into the mirror and ask how they have become God’s arbiters of morality. Until gays and lesbians are openly accepted into the military without hiding anything, gays and lesbians shouldn’t have to pay taxes to support a bloated national budget of military expenses for a system that blatantly discriminates against them. Gays and lesbians need to get up, come out and leave the military to the “real” men and women. See how long it works.

Each day more and more ignorance comes out of the leadership of the Bush administration. Each new day, American citizens pay the price in lives, money and world respect for the ignorant and backwards behavior of Bush and his cohorts. How much more do we have to take?