Scooter the Patsy

Scooter the Patsy

by Digery Cohen Wednesday, Mar. 07, 2007 at 7:01 PM

Cheney is laughing his head off

Scooter the Patsy...
twin7.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x500

"Scooter" Libby, was convicted Tuesday of lying and obstructing an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative's identity.

Libby, who covered up for Cheney all the way was once his most trusted adviser and an assistant to Bush.

Both Cheney and Bush now say they hardly knew the man and don’t remember meeting him.

His wife choked out a sob and sank her head saying she did not want her husband to be someone else’s wife in prison.

He faces up to 30 years in prison when he is sentenced June 5.

Defence attorneys immediately promised to ask for a new trial and appeal the conviction or something if keeps his mouth shut.

Cheney said he should take the honourable way out as the boss of Enron did and save everyone a lot of trouble.

This, he said, could be arranged if he took too much time over it.