Do Something! Quick! 9/11/01 & Delusions of War

by Bobby Meade Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2007 at 3:20 PM

Two more suppressed articles of mine.

"Do Something! Quick!"
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Sep 11, 2001 20:33

At 1:30 PM today I posted a comment after "Spider Jerusalelm"s "Attack on World Trade Center.." Id=62656 article on www.imc; and at 3 PM it was gone. Here is what I had to say.

My Daddy says that what happened today was the equivalent of an event that probably occurred on campus here last winter. I had been enduring moderate concentrations of sulphur at the pool for several days, and I had reported this to contacts in Washington, D.C.. What had apparently been happening was that there were workers up on the roof, dumping this stuff directly in the ventilation system. One day while I was leaving the pool, a pickup truck with Department of Interior markings was on its way to the pool. Bush Daddy said that one of the workers on the roof started saying, "Do something! Quick!" because they didn't want this sulphur scenario to be exposed. Well they pushed the guy saying, "Do something!" off the roof, which created a big scenario; and the guy was in critical condition for months if he survived at all. That scenario seems to be very similar to what happened today with the plane crashes and other related events being a diversion to cover up greater lawlessness.

Now this article that I commented on this afternoon has been changed since then. "Spider Jerusalem" originally claimed that all of Israel's embassies were evacuated. Whether or not this was true, I don't know; but it sure sounds like business as usual, with Israel trying to promote their persecuted people image. When "Spider.." said that the "horrible inevitable" has happened, I made clear that is probably because the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan have addressed what type of events must occur in order to benefit this perverted form of Zionism that is intent on world domination. These writings also explain that sacrificing some of their own people for the good of the nation is a common modus operandi. Keep in mind that Israel is probably frustrated that their fabricated conflicts in the Middle East are not getting front page exposure lately either. Since they are probably destined to leave Damascus a heap of ruins (Isaiah 17:1); I wonder if these plane crashes are a prelude or something like that. Bush Daddy claims that the bloodshed in Nigeria was not Christians being murdered, but rather Jews posing as Christians, so the lack of publicity on that issue might be a factor here. Bush Daddy also explains that the lawless ones couldn't handle that their "Messiah "Tootsie".." Id=62371 had been revealed prior to his death. They apparently wanted to portray their Messiah as a glorious saviour, but only after his death. I also suspect that this is ruse of the lawless ones to prevent the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 from coming back on their own heads. All of this seems to be backed up by the anarchists and activists, whose appearance had been planned for in the "Protocols.." and the "Plans..". In addition to what I wrote about them in "IMC vs. Anarchy" Id=28398 and "IMC's Crop of Anarchists" Id=45248; I was posting the following yesterday in a prelude to "Songs from the Messenger" Id=58354:

"On many IMC sites I am finding that unauthorized volunteers are assuming the role of censors and removing a significant portion of the postings from the listings. Since these posts are still available via Id#s, that means that they were probably unauthorized removals. NYC, Richmond, Atlanta, Houston, Vancouver, Montreal, and UK IMCs are among the worst. (It also seems that a lot of sites have different formats with the formats that get the most exposure being without all critical articles.) The people who are doing this probably have no legitimate authority to do so, and there are security measures that can be implemented to prevent this. It is also probable that the restricted access codes of the Storm Troopers of America are what enable these "volunteers" to do this; plus the Troopers probably ensure that security measures are not implemented. These lawless ones seem to be the only ones who get comments posted also. Go to the abovementioned sites and access the article spaces between listed posts, and you will see how prevalent this censorship is. One of the measures that would help clean IMC up is to stop allowing anonymous posts and require that the posters be the authors. On the subject of "Coprophagia Rules." Id=32589, I've been told that the coprophagists continually badger people into tasting their feces, saying that there is nothing wrong with it, that feces don't taste bad if you don't sniff it, that you get "high" from it, etc. Once a person admits that they tried it, that person is doomed to a lifetime of listening to other brain-damaged coprophagists; thus stupidity rules. I suppose that you are all also "snorting" brake dust as a result of the suppression of "Asbestos, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths" Id=60292. I suspect that garages and shops have actually been selling this dust to the people who are throwing it. Maybe the solution is to throw it at the buyers and let them prove that it is harmless. As the lawless ones try to sucker you into opposing corporate behemoths that can't be affected, denouncing fabricated conflicts in the Middle East or elsewhere, supporting marijuana legalization that will never happen, or being activists that will be villified; keep in mind that you are probably "hopping on the Dummy Line", and you will probably get burned or worse. Who are the Dummies? Those who know or those who don't?..."

Since no one can seem to confirm whether there are 6, 8, or 90,000 Storm Troopers of America or what laws, if any, they adhere to; you can be sure that they are at these crash sites ensuring that anything that they want comes of an investigation. Yes they want you to blame it on anyone but them even though the "Secret.." in their name is probably the only thing protecting them. They have apparently assumed more power over your lives than the CIA, the FBI, and the Federal Government combined. This morning the "Postgre" code was announcing that the computer system was crashing as a result of the plane crashes, and as I've mentioned in other writings, this is probably the Storm Troopers or their followers using restricted access codes and the Postmaster's supercomputer to wreak havoc on the computer lines.

So what is one to do about all this lawlessness? You have to consider all the ties that bind these lawless ones together, and that some of them are actually sacrificing their comrades to create a tragedy that they feel will divert attention from themselves (Ps. 64:8). They have put off their day of being attention and brought near a "reign of terror" (Amos 6:3). At one time it seemed like homosexuality was the tie that binded them together, then it seemed like Zionism was. Now it seems like coprophagia is. Think about it, if they ever tricked you into tasting your feces, and you admitted it to them, do you think that they would let you forget that. "I'm gonna tell! I'm gonna tell!" And the more that they can convince a confessed coprophagist to eat, the stupider he or she will be. This leads to the others telling them that they are actually getting smarter, and they get them prime jobs, convincing them to do anything in return for the honor afforded their stupidity. The coprophagists seem to be the ones that are coming out ahead as the lawless ones go about trying to "do something" to divert attention from their own lawlessness. The "Morons America Style" Id=46750 are apparently secure in whatever positions that they have attained because universities will not identify those who have graduated for the past 35 years; thus fabricated educational credentials still carry the day everywhere. Why would someone who obtained a degree from school not want this information available to the public. Would he or she prefer to have to deal with the professed "superior intelligence" of brain-damaged coprophagists in order to keep a job? Higher education becomes meaningless as a result of this setup; and these imposters now have seniority in a lot of cases. Those trying to sabotage IMC are probably going to be found whether they are identifying themselves or not. The anarchists who are still in the movement are probably going to blame the anarchists who left the movement for any blame that comes their way. The Secret Service is probably going to find that their own lawlessness is going to return on them, and nobody is going to pay attention at all. Those who have been tricking others into throwing chemicals are probably going to be subjected to it themselves. "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death" (Prov. 14:12).

No one in their right mind should support these lawless ones. Since they are tormented by the guilt of the deaths of innocent people who were not opposing them, they should be fugitives till death (Prov. 28:17). The look on their faces will betray them, and they parade their sin like Sodom (Is. 3:9). Watch as the mainstream media tries to fabricate an enemy that is responsible for these attacks today. Let the secure IMC sites publish what they can find of the truth of the matter. Check the messages that the lawless ones leave for one another in the wasted articles spaces after events such as this, and you will see that they usually have advanced knowledge of such happenings; plus they relish the wickedness. If God turns the tongues of the lawless ones against each other as He has promised (Ps. 64:8); soon the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190 will be the safest places for them. Hasta luego, adios.

Referenced articles on; to access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter".

May God bless todays victims. Respectfully, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

PS: "And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies" Numbers 10:9 Quick! Sound the horns!

PPS: Now the headlines are declaring that America is at War; but they don't know with whom. There is talk of villifying the Muslims of Afghanistan. I was reading a religious booklet last week that said that Babylon was going to bomb Jerusalem. Is it a coincidence that Jeremiah 9:11 (remember 9/11?) says that Jerusalem will be made a "..heap of ruins, a lair of jackals"? In steps Marion Barry's "Babylon on the Potomac", intent on avenging the havoc of 9/11, searching for the culprits. If most of the alleged Jews in Israel are of Turko-Mongol blood as delineated in the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan, couldn't you see these "masterminds" bombing Jerusalem, walking around scratching their heads, and saying, "Gee! I could have sworn those were Muslims!" After what happened yesterday, it seems like anything is possible. Bob 9/12

AFTER-MATH: 9/13; So now the headlines are broadcasting that the powers-that-be are going to do "Whatever It Takes!" to resolve this carnage. There have been reports of 4,000 FBI agents with 3,000 supporters combing the wreckage of the World Trade Center towers. I doubt if the FBI has that many agents; thus most of them are probably "Storm Troopers". I bet they are moving on anyone who has an inkling of what happened. There are reports of 6,000 body bags being brought in yet nothing on the alleged 30,000 people who were supposed to be working in the towers. It seems like most of them had advanced knowledge of what was going to happen. Rather than going after the people who relayed this information in advance, the alleged investigators are probably silencing anyone who is ready to expose the details of how this happened. There are also reports of 400 firefigthers and policemen missing. In reality this whole thing may be serving as a ploy to cover up the extermination of those who try to expose what really happened, for they can always ensure that "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It" Id=41739.

One also has to consider what was the military doing when this was going on. They should have been patrolling the skies within minutes. It seems like there had to be a massive conspiracy of flight comptrollers, dispatchers, and lawless ones everywhere in order for this to happen the way that it did. The ones claiming that they are not afraid of evil are probably saying that because they are part of the evil. Bush Daddy claims that they are exposing the brain-damaged illiterate ones with falsified academic credentials everywhere; so that probably isn't true, for such people are the ones that have enabled such a thing to happen; plus he and his kids would probably be the first to be exposed. There is apparently no way for anyone to try to expose them or change whatever they fabricate about the whole thing. Those who have been chasing after evil are probably going to find that they have been chasing after their own deaths, bringing the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 down on their own heads. The probable truth of the matter is that this perverted form of Zionism has felt threatened with their Messiah being caught in drag or something like that; thus they have tried to speed up their quest to get rid of everyone. Or maybe mass pandemonium was the goal. Coercing them into defending their lies is probably the best way to deal with them, for their support of bald-faced lies will surely come back on them. That's what my Daddy said. Remember also that the truth about the JFK assassination and the crash of the US Air flight over Long Island were probably covered up in a similar way.
9/14: Like the reported inept attempt to do away with Barbara Bush ("Supreme "Narky".." Id=31749); Barry's "Babylon" has assured everyone that they would do such thing as bomb Jerusalem.

Delusions of War?
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Sep 16, 2001 18:38

Alas! A War to get the guy who "knocked those buildings down"! There he goes! Over there by that wall!

My Daddy said now that War has been declared, the communication glitches of the mainstream media will be working at full steam. We have Bush Daddy's kid assuming the role of the knight in shining armor, the saviour of the oppressed. We have photos of the two of them holding hands in Barry's "Babylon". Or were they shaking hands on a job, "well done"? Were they confirming their pact with the devil? Were they the kinder gentler meek ones out to inherit the earth (Matt. 5:5; Ps. 37:11)? On campus there are calls for "peace" and the use of creative nonviolence. I informed the students that the peace sign with the circle and three lines is probably a satanic symbol; plus the hand sign for "peace" in reality represents the horns of the devil. And it is true that peace will come when the devil stops his nonsense of masquerading as an "angel of light"(2 Cor. 11:14). As for using creative nonviolence, I intend to repost my "Good is Bad, Bad is Good; Creative NonViolence" Id=33468 article, explaining better how the lawless ones have taken God's plan, which is more or less creative nonviolence, and tried to use it to form their own kingdom on earth by assuming a meekness that conceals their diabolical schemes and practices.

Now Barry's "Babylon" is at war again, and unlike the "Persian Gulf War Delusions.." Id=36001, I couldn't have had anything to do with it, for they forced me out of that town long ago. Don't tell anyone that God's "terrible swift sword" could also be a computer keyboard. While Barry's "Babylon" is probably assuring Jerusalem that they would do no such thing as bomb Jerusalem (See "Do Something! Quick!" Id=62855), there have been reports of Osama bin Laden hanging out at a "whitewashed wall" in a holy city somewhere (Ez. 13:14). The media will probably assure all to "be happy! no problem!" for our military has 99% accuracy if they decide to move on that wall; but getting them to admit if that accuracy pertains to hits or misses is another story. Meanwhile the military of Barry's "Babylon" has probably concluded that the prophecies of Nostrodamus were taken from the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" even if the Protocols weren't published when Nostradamus revealed his fabrications in the 1500s; thus our leaders have probably taken to studying John Lennon's "How I Won the War", which can't be beat for military strategy. What more can you expect of an "eagle" with one of its wings torn off (Dan.7:4)? And don't forget that Bush Daddy has been given power to rule, dead or alive, until God's words are fulfilled, for this curse came on the land when they succeeded in suppressing the news of Elijah's birth (Rev. 17:17; Hosea 10:3,15; Malachi 4:4; Id=29190).

"The curse of an evil deed is that it must always continue to engender evil" Schiller; thus we must learn to read between the lines filtering out any lies that come our way. Were these towers in NYC about to be condemnned? Did they ever recover from the first bombing years ago? Was the exoskelton of those buildings permanently damaged by the first bombing? Although I have seen no TV shots or read any reports on it, I wonder if anyone has addressed why those towers fell down like that. This is what I think happened. The exoskelton around the level of the crashes was overloaded as the weight of falling derbis increased, making the entire exoskelton collapse like an escalator stairway that breaks and ends up at the bottom of the track. As a result of this collapse, the exoskelton pulled sections of the supporting columns as they broke under the weight of the collapse. Why did it seem like some people got the word to evacuate while others didn't? From the looks of those staggering away from the towers, I would say that maybe they were intentionally not given notice because they were intended victims. Never mind if the alleged hijackers were never photographed entering these planes that hit the towers or the content of the communications with these jets is never revealed; "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About..." Id=41739 anything that they dream up about the whole scenario. Why I bet they already have pictures of Osama bin Laden lurking about that holy city for the next stage of their game.

Meanwhile Jerusalem, seeking to thwart the fulfillment of Jeremiah 9:11 that the lawless ones probably embraced when they chosed 9/11 as their day of action, has probably been looking for the one honest man in Jerusalem that can bring about God's pardon of Jerusalem (Jer. 5:1). They probably would have been better off heeding Jeremiah 8:11 and starting their cry for "peace" on August 11th, for whoever embraces their evilness will "not know peace" (Is. 59:1-8). "Babylon! Who can oppose the Beast?" This "Beast" is sweet people who can do no wrong, so no one can oppose them? Except for themselves of course, and the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 will ensure that they will not know peace. Well pardon me if our leaders are stupider than yours; but they know that the only way to peace is through this Osama bin Laden dude at the wall over there. Even though this "eagle" only has one wing, they are ready to fight their way to peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers.."(Matt. 5:9). No delusions allowed here.

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Referenced articles are on; to access via Id#, access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press "Enter". No go? Repeat, open different window, keep trying. (2/19/07: This no longer works since worldwide Indymedia has a "Monkey in the Works" or something like that. This arises from Summary to NJ IMC post in which I asked them to determine why I was being blocked from NYC IMC since the WTC buildings fell, mentioning Messiah Tootsie? Messiah Exarchou? There Ain't No Difference Between the Two; Do Something! Quick! (9/11/01); and Delusions of War, which I couldn't find. The Bush Nazis knocked those buildings down within hours of my posting the first article. Also I believe that I have seen pictures of Bush Daddy consorting with Bin Laden, which explains why they can never catch him.)