by unasirena Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 at 7:01 PM

Cultural Barricade in support of the movement of change in Oaxaca, Mexico

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A cultural barricade was held in front of the Mexican Consulate this Saturday, February 17, in support of the movement of change in Oaxaca. The event was organized by APPO LA and FIOB (Frente Indigenista Oaxaqueño Binacional). The date was chosen because the Mexican Consulate is supposed to be open every third Saturday of the month, strangely it wasn’t open this Saturday. Few people attended the event because there were other events happening simultaneously in the community, but many of those who support regularly where there. At the event were present a group of Aztec dancers that have continuously support the Oaxacan resistance movement, along with another group of dancers from la Sierra Juarez, formed by members of APPO LA and FIOB. There was also live music, and Oaxacan food and drinks were sold to raise funds. The highlight of the event was the presence of members from the Colectivo Casa, a group of artist that came in support of the street artists that work with stencils in Oaxaca. They covered the monument located in front of the consulate with gigantic posters of the stencil art used in the streets of Oaxaca, they also painted some banners on the site and sold etchings made by ASARO, a group of street artists that have been very active in support of the movement of change in Oaxaca. These events will continue to take place at least once a month, to remind people that the resistance and the fight still alive in Oaxaca, and that we are going to continue to support it from here.