Bush the drunk

by Digery Cohen Sunday, Feb. 18, 2007 at 2:45 AM

is killing our boys

Bush the drunk...
bush-the_-drunk.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x497

Failure is the only option.

When success is no victory at all.

The minute we kicked in the door in Iraq it was already a failure.

Militarily, economically, politically, morally and strategically it was a disaster.

Nothing else could be expected from a pail of failures like Cheney and Bush.

Failure is in their nature.

Failure at Yale, at war in Vietnam, at being a drunk, at business without corruption and nepotism, at everything.

Militarily…. you can’t control a foreign Moslem country with American troops no matter how many.

Economically….Iraqis would sell us their oil at $20 a barrel no matter who ruled the place.

Politically….our name as a brutal aggressive state has become established throughout the world. How much is our democracy worth now?

Morally….it is wrong to slaughter 600,000 civilians, anywhere, for nothing.

Strategically…in the battle against the Bin Ladens of this world we have strengthened them.

What a mess.

And we allow these clowns, Cheney and Bush, to continue bullshitting us to cover their dumbness and cowardice.