Tzipi's nightmare

by Digery Cohen Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007 at 2:11 AM

has come about

Tzipi's nightmare...
tzipi__s_nightmare.jpg, image/jpeg, 420x500

Can the Abdullah deal work?

Or is he just a Gringo in a skirt?

If the Palestinian Authority wants to have a "broader relationship" with the international community, it must recognize Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Palestine since 1948, renounce resistance against Israeli terrorism and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements, U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey said in response to a deal on a Palestinian unity government reached Thursday night.

The deal between rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, which was reached after two days of intensive negotiations in the Saudi city of Mecca, sets out the principles of the unity government, including an ambiguous promise that it will "respect" previous peace deals with Israel, delegates said. The Mecca accord does not address the other two international requirements.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called on the international community Thursday to ensure that Israel's right to exist on all ethnically cleansed Palestinian land and the West Bank is respected by any Palestinian government that emerges from the talks.

The Israeli government will agree to nothing as long as it is getting US taxpayers money for free.

The Cheney/Bush administration is owned by Israel since The Israeli intelligence service found Cheney in a very compromised position and blackmailed him back in the Ford White House days.