Shut Off the Lights at the Whitehouse

by Stephen DeVoy Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007 at 4:41 PM

Cut the power!

Shut Off the Lights at the Whitehouse

Author: Stephen DeVoy

As Democrats pretend to take steps to stop Mad George's orgy of death, Bush has made it clear that he will send more Americans to their deaths whether or not Congress will finance the slaughter.  Given the Democratic Party's historical lack of guts, we can assume that once Mad George sends our young to Iraq, Congress will provide the funds.  After all, no one wants to be responsible for leaving our young to die of starvation in war, no matter how unpopular that war.  Bush knows this.

However, their are other ways the Democrats could send the message home should Bush insist upon sending more soldiers to Iraq.  A creative Congress could find many ways to exert the same kind of existential power over Bush that Mad George insists upon exerting over the American people.  For example, Congress could start by cutting off all funding to the Secret Service which is used to protect Bush and his family.  Next, Congress could cut off all funding for Air Force One, its pilots and maintenance crews, its fuel and all of the many things costing us many millions of dollars per year to keep the mad man flying.

Why stop there?  Congress could cut off all funding of the Whitehouse.  Bush could learn to live without heat, electricity, opulent food, personal service, secretaries, and the telephone.  I'm sure it costs quite a bit to keep the Whitehouse roads clear of snow and ice - cut it off!  Cut all funding to the fleet of helicopters the Marines provide to shuttle the mad man above the lowly populous who hate him with every shred of their being and let him walk about the Capital on his own two feet - alone, like the rest of us.  Yank the security details from Crawford.  Scrap funding for those parts of the Capital Police responsible for the area around the Whitehouse!  Make Laura walk to the grocery store and carry the Bush family's groceries home in one of those two wheeled carts poor American seniors drag down the sidewalks.

All of this should be done while the Bush twins cavort around South America.  Let them wake up in their hotel rooms with the Secret Service withdrawn, like American soldiers left unfunded on the battlefield in Iraq.  Stick it to the parasites!  Congress has this power.  Why don't they use it?