I'd pick Rosie over Trump anyday!!!

by Kenny Hawley Saturday, Dec. 30, 2006 at 2:36 PM

I don't think Mr.Trump,who got his cushy start from his very wealthy father,ever helped or did anything unselfishly for anyone but himself,

Hey Rosie I'm with you Baby! Donald Hump has shown himself (foolishly too!) as a very nasty,low life,vindictative piece of work! He's definitely cut his own throat in the eyes of the public! What "the Donald" has shown America is that he "despises" people just on the basis of their looks and body size,and debases and dehumanizes them on the basis of their lack of wealth!

I don't think Mr.Trump,who got his cushy start from his very wealthy father,ever helped or did anything unselfishly for anyone but himself,whereas Rosie O'Donnell has devoted a lot of her time,money,effort and celebrity into helping a large number of people in dozens of needy and worthy venues and causes.What this world needs is a lot more Rosie O'Donnels and a lot fewer Donald Trumps!