New World Justice

by Serious Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2006 at 3:46 PM

Seize the rulers. Expropriate their assets and use the command and control of their former resources to rebuild. They have a lot of our stuff. We want it back.

New World Justice...
stgrphl000.jpg, image/jpeg, 311x410

We know who they are. There are very many of us and if there is a revolution it will be in the form of an awakening of our common interests, across all the artificial barriers they have erected to have us at each other’s throat.
With communications as they are, it only makes sense once we arrive at reasonable and understandable justice as we deal with the unbelievably perverse and insane rulers of this present catastrophe. A reservation should be made for the ones who surrendered to live, and the frontiers watched closely.

Utopia is only a day away if we wish. Spread the Word.