While They’re Murdering our Military...

by Sheepdog Wednesday, Nov. 01, 2006 at 7:49 PM

Illegal Immigrants -Do we needs borders or do we need justice?

While They’re Murdering our Military...

There is a growing tide of economic refugees that as they seek a life of justice, become the tools of terror.

Let’s dispose of the term ‘illegal’ to begin with as we are dealing with intrinsic issues of poverty and rule, not words on paper which are selectively enforced and driven by defacto royalty who remain beyond ‘law’. The law of the people’s will in common agreement is the only qualitative law, in my own humble opinion and we put up with some things as a society and react to others in a familiar practiced framework of customs and working relations.
Laws are made, in theory, to codify these customs to benefit the dull and or deranged to compensate for their disconnect from common human empathy and fellowship which were hardwired into our DNA to survive. Once we clear this mental barricade, let us subject the mechanics of rule concerning use of *creating* adversarial and hostile confrontation among the oppressed classes to open analysis...
Before ‘civilization’ structured our interactions among groups of strangers. we weren’t in constant apprehension of other humans, that we encountered. There was an interesting program that showed that an unarmed man could travel, unmolested through primitive, sometimes cannibal societies without apprehension. In fact, the villagers usually tried to use his arrival as an excuse for a festival. A very interesting documentary.

Always remember who pulls the strings and why, to have the puppets fight each other.

If we can’t come together over these real issues we are heading into hell. Remember the death squads that have forced these deliberate mass migrations. If we allow this to happen anywhere, we will become very familiar to us in a real close and personal way.