Filipinos Protests US-Israel Agression vs Lebanon and Palestine

by ALLIANCE FOR A JUST AND LASTING PEACE IN THE Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 11:39 PM 213-241-0995 337 Glendale Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026


August 12, 2006




The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) joins hundreds of thousands the world over who are marching today, August 12, 2006 in solidarity with our Arab brothers and sisters in Lebanon and Palestine in condemning the murderous US-financed and US-supplied Israeli invasion and occupation of Lebanon.

The US-Israeli Zionist aggression, air bombardments and assault on Lebanon have killed hundreds of innocent Lebanese civilians, maimed tens of thousands more, and have virtually destroyed the infrastructure of the country in a matter of days.

By now, it should be clear to all that this is what US imperialism’s “war on terror” in the Middle East is all about: the Israeli Zionists are the attack dogs that imperialism has unleashed to wage a war of terror in the Middle East to drive any people resisting and seeking to assert its self-determination down on its knees.

The Filipino people know all about the terror and the heinous crimes that U.S. imperialism has perpetrated throughout world history and their own history. Our people are presently fighting against a similar US-propped “war on terror” in the Philippines. The puppet government of Bush’s “major non-European ally,” Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has made the Philippines the most murderous country on earth for journalists next to Iraq.

Since she came to office five years ago, her military thugs have murdered more than 720 activists and mass leaders, including priests, pastors, lawyers and judges, human rights workers and journalists. Because the people dare to question and resist, government-supported death squads kill more activists, and the list grows longer by the day, prompting condemnation from more and more international organizations such as the Amnesty International and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

Like imperialist chieftain Bush, Philippine puppet Arroyo maintains silence even as the Zionist butchers pound away against the people of Lebanon and Palestine and continue to commit unspeakable crimes and atrocities against the civilian population. They remain aloof to the plight of the people of Lebanon and Palestine. Worse, while professing concern for the more than 30,000 overseas Filipino workers who live and work in Lebanon and Israel, Arroyo has done little to evacuate them and take them out of harm’s way – the least that any Philippine president ought to do to repay the country’s “modern heroes” – these OFWs who remit billions of hard-earned dollars that help keep the Philippine economy afloat.

The U.S. imperialists and their Zionist executioners are mistaken in thinking that the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples will be anything but easy pushovers. Puppet Arroyo is also mistaken in thinking that the Filipino people will allow her to get away with her own US-propped war of terror against them. Like the valiant resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq, the world will eventually see the Filipino people rise up to oust their tyrant from power.

Down with the U.S.-Israeli Zionist aggression against Lebanon and Palestine!

Long live the heroic resistance of the peoples of Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq!

Israel out of Lebanon! U.S. out of the Middle East!

Down with Bush and Olmert! Down with U.S. imperialism and Zionism!

Long live international solidarity! #

Original: Filipinos Protests US-Israel Agression vs Lebanon and Palestine