888 And The Terror Of Reality

by Bill Gallagher Wednesday, Aug. 09, 2006 at 10:48 AM


08 08 2006

On this day of 888 and the coming full moon think about this:

The earth was once THE GARDEN, an agricultural planet feeding our interplanetary empire. The evidence is stark and grows daily. Earths orbit is only slightly awry, being just 5.25 days off its designed 360 degree traverse around the sun, so that each day should amount to a perfect one-full-rotation and one-full-day. The various pyramids around the world, and underwater, are scalar energy devices, duh, and were used to keep this planet in place. After 80,000 years, 5.25 days is not too bad.

The problem is that the moon, which was used to store all these grown goods and drugs and what have you, utilizing the deep freeze of space, is a created artifact also, and very nearly hollow. It is not the ball of rock most people think. It is somewhat unstable in fact, and the caved in underground facilities show this rather well.

The moons orbit is perturbed beyond imagining, and it will probably break in pieces soon.

While the bush freaks and their devo religion have been propitiating satan and allah and all the others, we have been obliviously whistling pass the graveyard. This is the beast of the god money. Never before has this beast been so close to totally destroying mankind.

If we get busy right now, maybe in 50-100 years we can mickie-rig the technology necessary to set the moon right. If we have that amount of time. These freaks of bush are just thieves and can only develop what they can steal...their plan is hodge podge and based on slavery. Slavery of you. GET THEM OUT NOW at all costs, if you love your children.

Think HARD about all this, and watch the moon rise tonight. That orbit is decayed beyond imagining, and if the moon was solid rock we would probably not have too much to worry about for another few thousand years. But it is not solid, not by a long shot.

Bill Gallagher

Original: 888 And The Terror Of Reality