50 Things I've Learned About Israeli Propaganda, the U.S., and Zionism as White Supremacy

by AMERICAN Tuesday, Jul. 18, 2006 at 8:43 AM

In response to the Zionist malarky posted earlier.

1. Anti-semitism has been co-opted by Israel and Israeli's to deter any criticism of their genocidal policies toward the Palestinians.
2. Israeli's do not have a monopoly on the term "anti-semitism" since Arabs are semites too. Their both the children of Abraham.
3. Zionism injects white supremacy into the Israeli construction of self and culture to obscure point 2.
4. Israel was created by the British and other Western nations as a bulwark against the middle east and to protest Western interests in the region, such as oil.
5. Israeli Jews and Palestinians are the pawns in this game. Israeli Jews are injected with Zionist white supremacy, while Palestinians are victimized by it to the point where their resistance takes the form of terror.
6. Palestinian terror is a response to Israeli state terrorism, exercised by the IDF.
7. This conflict is not on a level playing field since Israel's weapons far outnumber the Palestinians defenses, but not their will.
8. Israel has been the only country in the middle east with Weapons of Mass Destruction, as Vanunu revealed with the price of his liberty.
9. The U.S. obscures this reality, because who do you think holds the receipt.
10. The U.S. gives more taxpayer money to Israel than many Americans would care to know.
11. AIPAC is the agent through which this blood money is laudered and sent to Tel Aviv to be used to commit genocide against the Palestinians.
12. The Israeli policy against Palestinians is genocide, just in case some forgot what the word meant.
13. Any resistance to Israeli genocide is constituted as "terrorism." Gee, by this token it would appear that Native American resistance to U.S. colonization is "terrorism."
14. Israeli genocide against Palestinians is terrorism.
15. Due to the efforts of the AIPAC and the co-optation of the language by the white supremacist character of Zionism, any critique of the state of Israel is misconstrued as anti-semitism.
16. And yet none of the Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians, many who are Arab, Christians, and even Jewish, is never seen as anti-semitism.
17. Zionism has turned anti-semitism into a useless and meaningless term.
18. Zionists are being bamboozled by Americans right-wing Christians and other real anti-semites, since they only think with their pocketbooks and white supremacist notion of Israel, rather than their hearts.
19. Meanwhile, Jews in Israel and the U.S. get screwed by Zionism's deceit.
20. Zionists are deceived by Anglo American Christian white supremacists whose belief in the false prophecy of the rapture and endtimes is predicated on the demise of the Jewish people.
21. According to this false prophecy, Jews will have to convert to Christianity in order to complete revelation and purportedly bring Christs return.
22. Alot of right-wing Anglo Christians are the biggest anti-semites of them all, whose legacy includes the scotish right and the KKK.
23. But as aforementioned, Zionists can easily be bought off by anti-semites and Nazis. Witness how Arnold the Governator bought off the Simon Weisenthal center with a fat donation after it was revealed that his father is a Nazi.
24. While built with good intentions, the Simon Weisenthal Center is just a front for Zionism.
25. Antonio Villaraigosa has proved that he does follow the legacy of his role model, Tom Bradley, by sucking up to the Zionists at the SWC.
26. Has anybody ever noticed that the SWC perpetuates the myth that Jews have a monopoly on genocide? What about the Armenians (Turkey was Hitler's model) and the Native Americans (victims of Spanish and Anglo zionism)?
27. White supremacist Anglos and Scots have been having a field day in messing with Zionists heads for centuries.
28. Some Anglos hate Jews (anti-semitism) just like their European brothers; they've found a good front facade in the false prohecies of endtimes and the rapture.
29. Other Anglos convert to Judaism and go so far as moving to Israel and becoming settlers, where they displace and murder Palestinians because it is "their God given right."
30. Doesn't this sound like the Anglo mentality behind the colonization and genocide of Native Americans?
31. The mythology behind the monarchy in England and other scottish rite mumbo jumbo can also be used to explain this. The British monarchy thinks its descended from the bloodlines of the House of David, with Anglos being "one of the lost tribes of Israel."
32. Not all Anglos believe in this bullshit, nor white supremacy, but they have been historically victimized by it in the form of imperialism.
33. Consider the parallels between the colonization of Ireland, North American, and now Palestine.
34. The U.S. uses Israel as its military colony in the middle east. Christian fascists support this due to their belief in the false prophecies of endtimes and the rapture.
35. St. John's gospels and Revelation were talking about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, but many Christians are too high on the crackpipe of god to recognize this.
36. Revelation could also be interpreted as describing the cycle of the rise and fall of Empires, but many Christians are too stupid to understand that.
37. The U.S. empire understands this, thus, they allowed
9/11 to happen (and promoted its eventual occurence through their foreign policies in the middle east) to justify the current policy of taking over the world a la Hitler. Isn't history so ironic? But sad for its victims (including the Zionists).
38. Some Zionists and Christian Fascists believe that "when the Jews return to Zion" means them and their white supremacist ideology. This is why white supremacist Anglos can latch onto this ("it's me, I'm the chosen! Let's move to Israel and displace and kill Arabs").
39. Israeli's complain about terrorist groups and suicidal bombers, but never let their critics entertain why Palestinians and Arabs would go to such measures. Could it have to do with 1948 and the Great Catastrophe (or the so-called "founding of Israel" if you believe the Zionists).
40. The IDF has been following a policy of murdering Palestinian women and children for decades, but you never hear about this in the U.S. corporate media.
41. This has nothing to do with the "Jews control the media" but with the influence of money (AIPAC) and the U.S.'s foreign policy interests in the middle east and the U.S. military's ties to the American corporate media.
42. How can the military and its contractors effectively sell weapons to everybody from Israel to Saddam Hussein if Americans are aware of how those weapons will be used to kill innocent civilians in the middle east? That's where your taxpayer dollars are going, not to the welfare state or medicare for that matter.
43. America is fucked because oil barons (bush, cheney, and condi) are running the show and using Israel as a juggernaut in their plans to monopolize middle eastern oil.
44. U.S. troops are sent to Iraq under the pretense of defending democracy, but are really defending the current administration's oil interests, and Israel's interests as part of the deal--Don Corleone would call them "saps." Bring our saps home alive.
45. The contradictions of the current Christian Fascism, as noted above, allow white supremacists and brainwashed Christians fascists of color to support Israel while maintaining their own latent anti-semitism.
46. At some point, progessive Jews, Christians, and Arabs will be allowed to speak in the public sphere and the Christians Fascists and know-nothing Americas will shit a brick and learn the truth when they realize how bamboozled they've been.
47. The current conflict between Israel, Lebanon, and the Palestinians is the result of Israels policy of extermination toward Palestinians, and the legacy of its 1982 invasions of Lebanon. Hezbollah and Hamas are only the agents of the aggression and resistance that these policies and histories have incurred.
48. The corporate media ignores the history of Israels incursions across the Lebanese border to kidnap Lebanese citizens, and the fact that the Hamas kidnapping of the IDF soldier came after Israel kidnapped and incarcerated civilian members of the Palestinian authority. You'll never hear about this in U.S. corporate media, not because of the myth of Jews controlling the media (get over that, it clouds your ability to think), but because the truth doesn't serve the economic interests of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about decades ago.
49. The IDF is a genocidal occupational force whose policies and crimes ARE reminiscent of the German army and Nazis. Don't let the Zionists fool you.
50. The Zionists have a history of collaborating with the Nazis as Leni Brenner has pointed out. The truth hurts, so some Zionists hide behind white supremacist and a victimhood mentality.
51. Progressive Jews will eventually eclipse the effects of Zionism, U.S. foreign policy, and Christian Fascism, if these wackos don't blow up the world first, since their the only ones with access to nuclear weapons in the middle east.