No Cancer Tumor Goes To Waste!

by luxefaire Tuesday, Jul. 18, 2006 at 12:06 PM

cancer as weapon in the ussa...

071906. NO CANCER TISSUE HARVESTED FROM ANY PATIENT GOES TO WASTE. All tumors are used and very much in demand.

The world governments goal is to be able to create cancer in anyone, thereby not only imposing a death sentence on that person, but also their descendents, because anyone with cancer in their family is being surreptiously marked and electronically annotated as genetically unfit.

This is all smoke and mirrors, because cancer is easily curable, though anyone who mentions that is run out of the country. Cancer is the biggest industry in America, but it is simply make-work for ghouls, and a means to rewrite many medical laws. The repositorys and tumor banks number in the many thousands, just in the United states alone. This was investigated because of recent revelations concerning stem cells and human cancer tumors. Cancer tumors are needed to obtain certain types of stem cells and other cells necessary to create longevity drugs for the worlds elite. Also aborted foetuses are needed too.

A search for tumor repositorys brought back over 300,000 results. A search for tumor banks almost as many. Collection activities seem to be most refined in Florida of all places. Most of the legislation concerning this medical work was done during clintons Cancers are many times caused by excessive radiations. The excessive radiations of ENMOD began in clintons times too.
