Stop Anti-immigrants in 4th parade

by FYI Tuesday, Jul. 04, 2006 at 1:41 PM

Please call parade officials and ask them withdraw the Minutemen permit to march in Fourth of July Parade in Palisades area of LA

Palisades Americanism Parade Association (PAPA)

Hoppy Mehterian (310) 454-5025 or (310) 991-5850
Cheryel Kanan (310) 454-1312

Parade Route:
Assembly: 11:00 A.M. March on Via De La Paz 2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. From Via de la Paz to Bowdoin going North to Sunset Blvd., East on Sunset to Drummond, South on Drummond to Toyopa, West on Toyopa to Alma Real/Palisades Recreation Area parking lot.

Pacific Palisades Chamber of Commercial
5330 Antioch Street ~ Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Ph: 310.459.7963 Fax: 310.459.9534


Bill and Ronnie Lomas of Pageantry Productions in Lynwood (Pageantry Productions are the producers of the parade).
They also serve as committee members on the Palisades Americanism Parade
Association (PAPA), tel (310) 537-4240