Re: iAC Forum US and Sudan

by Tia Monday, Jun. 19, 2006 at 3:42 AM

Isma'il Kamal has been traveling widely, giving various versions of this talk. Its not what you'd expect, however

Be forewarned, please.
If you are interested in the humanitarian aspects of the crisis in Darfur- if you are interested in alieviating the suffering, death and disease, this is not the forum to attend.
The San Francisco forum of Kamal's tall took almost an apologist note- the colonialist history of the conflict was stressed, while the resulting suffering was minimized.
In exasperation, an audience member threw out the figures that we are all too familiar with
"10,000 every month.
200-400,000 dead already
2 million in exile.
What can we do to relieve the suffering NOW?"

Kamal's answer. "Well, those figures may be exaggerated"
He was asked "What are your best figures"?
His response "I don't know"
Politics need to be laid aside in dealing with this crisis. Kamal described the situation (denying it was a genocide, repeatedly) by saying "Genocide is to the Sudan what weapons of mass destruction were to Iraq. Its an excuse for US intervention".
No one is suggesting US military invertention in Darfur. What is necessary is to feed the hungry, and to stop the suffering now.
Kamal's apologist words defending those who slaughter his brothers are lies by ommission, and
do a tremendous disservice to the people of Darfur.