Garotinho is taken to hospital but he says he will keep hunger strike.

by Celia Dantas Thursday, May. 11, 2006 at 1:18 PM

Despite the transference, the former-governor of Rio affirmed that he is not going to suspend hunger strike motivated for that he called political persecution of agencies of the press. "I will continue the strike in the hospital", affirmed.

Garotinho is taken to hospital but he says he will keep hunger strike.
After ten days in strike of hunger confined in the headquarters of the PMDB in Rio de Janeiro, the candidate of the PMDB to the Presidency Anthony Garotinho was transferred in this Wednesday in an ambulance of the Firemen to the Hospital Quinta D'Or, followed by his wife, governor Rosinha Matheus.
Despite the transference, the former-governor of Rio affirmed that he is not going to suspend hunger strike motivated for that he called political persecution of agencies of the press. "I will continue the strike in the hospital", affirmed.
Before being interned, the former-governor affirmed that he will go to the convention of the PMDB, the Saturday, in Brasilia, when the party will decide if it will have candidate to the presidency of the Republic.
According to doctor Abdu Neme, Garotinho lost 6,2 kg during the hunger strike and presented alterations on his health. "He will be submitted to the replacement of leave extorts, but this does not characterize end of the strike", affirmed the doctor.
"If he did not accept, could have serious problems", completed.
Earlier, mayors and members of the house of representatives of the PMDB had participated of a manifestation in the center of Rio, one appeal so that the former-governor left hunger strike.
The president of the PMDB, Michel Temer (SP), made one appeal in morning so that Garotinho suspended the strike. The member of the house of representatives mentioned humanitarian reasons, demonstrating concern with the integrity of the former-governor.
Since the beginning, the main controllers of the PMDB had been contrary to the hunger strike.
According to assessorship of Garotinho, 5 thousand people had participated of the protest in the outskirts of the directory of the party, in the center of the River, for approximately three hours.