by La otra campana a Montreal Sunday, May. 07, 2006 at 2:20 PM
ici_lasexta@yahoo.ca Montreal, CANADA

Stop repression against members of the Other Campaign. In Mexico, members of the Other Campaign of the Zapatist Army of National Liberation (i.e. EZLN) have been severely repressed by the police. We must make strong actions to denounce such repression.

Members of the Other Campaign have been repressed by the police. A boy has been killed and 213 people have been arrested, bitten by the police and others have been injured.
6 people are now in hospital. Actions are being undertaken troughout Mexico City, e.g. streets and wide avenues are taken by the protesters, demonstrations are organised, so as to support “Companeros” and “companeras”.

We demand the immediate liberation of the people who have been arrested by the police and we want the police as well as the army to quit San Salvador Atenco.

What you can do to denounce repression:
Send mails, e-mails, faxes to Embassy of Mexico in the USA, or to Mexican authorities in Mexico. See the addresses below.

Embassy of Mexico in the USA

Carlos de Icaza González

1911 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.,
20006, Washington, D.C., US
Tel(s). (202) 728.1600, 728.1650
Fax (202) 728.1698, 728.1651, 728.1659
mexembusa@aol.com mexembusa@sre.gob.mx anieto@sre.gob.mx

In Mexico:

Presidencia de la Republica
Coordinador General de Comunicacion Social: Ruben Aguilar Valenzuela
Residencia Oficial de los Pinos, Puerta 5, Casa Anexa, Planta Baja, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec
11850, Mexico, DF
Tel(s). 5091.1155, 5091.1100 exts. 1386, 1387
Fax 5091.1241


Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE)
Plan Puebla-Panama
Coordinador General: Ignacio Villasenor Arano
Director General Adjunto de Estrategias: Ricardo Ramirez Aguilera
Paseo de la Reforma 175, 11° piso, Col. Cuauhtemoc. Delegacion Cuauhtemoc.
06500, Mexico, DF
Tel(s). 9159.3288
Fax 9159.3482
cgpppanama@sre.gob.mx ricardor@sre.gob.mx

More informations in Montreal :

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