Blackwell Invested in Voting Machine Co

by messenger Wednesday, May. 03, 2006 at 10:45 AM

by Sathya Spreads Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006 Ohio's Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is invested in Elections Systems and Software, one of the 4 Republican owned 'voting machine' companies used in Ohio.

Ken Blackwell, Secretary of State in Ohio,
is a major investor in ESS, which
is an illegal conflict of interest. Blackwell
manipulated the numbers
in the 2004 national election
to steal Ohio from John Kerry by
falsifying the numbers, having no
voting pencils in Toledo, locking
observers out in Warren, keeping
students waiting in line for 9 hours
in Gambier, keeping Akron voters
standing in the rain for a half hour
in Akron, removing John Kerry's name
from the absentee ballots in Cincinnati,
challenging Democrat registrations,
creating a climate of a police state
at voting precincts, undermanning
and undermachining every Democratic
precinct. This fraud and that in others
states resulted in the installation
of the unelected George Bush and
the continuation of the violent
and illegal war in Iraq.

Elections Systems and Software was
headed by Nebraska Republican Senator
Chuck Hagel. What other nation lets 1
party decide the vote by manipulating
the election infrastructure? 95% of
the world's democracies have
paper trails, but the US regime,
ostensibly a democracy though
it has no elected Supreme Court,
does not have paper trails in
many states.

Elections Systems and Software.. many
problems with Akron voting machines
reports Brian Williams of the Summit
County Board of Elections.

Jim Petro, Blackwell's primary opponent,
has made Ohio the 2nd major
executioner state.

What is good about Republican
primaries? Someone loses.

3 other fraudulent Republican owned
'voting machine' companies are
Diebold, Triad, and Sequoia Pacific.

God of all beings who answers to all
names, give the world universal
nonviolence and
honest elections everywhere now
and always.