A call for Street & Graffiti Artists

by reverend DAK Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 at 8:01 PM

This is a call for all Graffiti Artists, Taggers and Writers, to show their solidarity with the Immigration and Workers Movement by adding Unete/Join Us, 1 de Mayo, May 1st, or anything similar, to all their pieces in the up-coming weeks leading up to May Day. We need your help getting the message out to the masses.

A call for Street & ...
unete.4x6.jpg, image/jpeg, 288x432

Please pass on and spread the following information:

Graf writers, Taggers, and all Street Artists,

As you may have all seen, on TV or in person, a Movement against Anti-Immigration has been sweeping the USA. Around the world a new Workers Movement has sprung up. In Mexico, Farmers are fighting Government developers. Thousands of Workers in Spain demonstrated against proposed Labour Laws. A Million in the UK protest against new laws affecting workers Pensions. For several weeks, and to this day, Millions of young people in France are fighting in the streets for their Worker's Rights. Thousands in Nepal are fighting and dying for theirs. But in the US it is considered an Immigration issue. But in reality, it is more than that. The Immigration issue is also a Worker's Movement. People Immigrate to the US to make a better life for themselves, to feed their families, and to live in Dignity. People of Immigrant heritage make up the majority of the Workers in America.

May 1st is MAY DAY. The International Day of the Worker. All over the world, work stops for Workers to celebrate. But here in the US it is not recognized. But May Day was originally created from a Workers Movement here in the US. Unlike the previous demonstrations and protests, this time the American Media is not allowing it any attention. In the US, several groups are pushing for a General Strike, a Day Without Immigrants. But we still need to get the word out.

As a son of an Immigrant and as one that enjoys Art of all types - Especially Street Art, I would like to make a proposal. I'm asking all Graffiti Artists, Taggers and Writers, to show their solidarity with the Immigration and Workers Movement by adding Unete/Join Us, 1 de Mayo, May 1st, or anything similar, to all their pieces in the up-coming weeks leading up to May Day. We need your help getting the message out to the masses. We're all aware of the impact seeing Graffiti, Paste-ups, etc. in the oddest & dangerous locations throughout the city. If every wall or every pillar in every city had an image and the words, MAY DAY, or MAY 1st, it would inspire every Worker in the Country. It would let them know they aren't alone. It would ease some of the fear of reprecussions of walking off their jobs on May 1st.

If every worker, in the country, whether they are truck drivers, bell boys, exotic dancers, waiters, tellers, teachers, clerks, roofers, plumbers, etc., walked off their jobs on May 1st, it would remind their bosses, their city, their state and their country that they MOVE THE WORLD.

We RUN the machines. We can SHUT them DOWN.

Unete! 1ro de Mayo!

Join Us! May 1st!

Original: A call for Street & Graffiti Artists