911 for real

by reposted Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2006 at 11:43 PM

author: truth realized I dont feel well...

I am a conservative. I occasionally read Portland indy Media and I usually

don't agree with what I read or see. In the last few months I have been paying close attention to the 911 theories and unanswered questions.

After reading the Eugenes register guard front page article about the FBI blocking investigations into the "20th highjacker" I am convinced that the government was involved in the attacks. I am not a conspiracy theorist; I am not a staunch liberal or conservative. I try to stick to right and wrong and not left and right. As much as it makes me sick in my stomach to think of Americans being involved in 911, that is my final conclusion.

I am a veteran, I supported the president up until today. I have friends who have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm a businessman. I drive a nice car, my family has money and I love my country. I have 2 degrees and I graduated with honors. The reason I'm telling you this is because, before, when I read posts about 911 theories I thought they were written by long haired, hippies, liberals and so on. I'm sorry, I'm just being honest.

The FBI head quarters deleted details about the Whitehouse being a target. They denied briefing the FAA about Zacharious Mousouie. They wouldn't open up his briefcase and laptop when they open peoples personal stuff everyday without probable cause or the legal right. This is just what I read today. Please, conservatives and liberals, come together and talk to your congress people. Ask them to release all evidence on 911.

Show the videos from the Pentagon. They have tons of them! Read for yourself before calling me a nut. Do the research. Its not hard to find.

Original: 911 for real