Oil Addiction? - The Quickest Reduction

by messenger Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 11:16 PM

What has been termed "kindergarten traffic management" [this group move 2 blocks forward and stop......now children. this group move 2 blocks forward and stop] could provide, if abandoned, a 10 to 20% reduction in oil usage in a matter of months.......the largest and quickest reduction possible.

Our large cities have stimied traffic flow for decades with needless stops at traffic lights. When I am sitting at a red light, I can tell when my light will turn green by watching the approaching cross-traffic. About a half a block before they get to the corner, their light will turn red for them.

Although the traffic engineers have changed traffic light sequences for morning and evening rush hour traffic (to allow traffic to flow more quickly at those times) they resume the insane stopping of cars at almost every stop light during the majority of the day and night,.

Our cars get considerably higher mileage when not in the stop-and-go city traffic. That increase in mileage would directly translate into lower crude oil usage. Please contact your city traffic engineers (yes, there really are city "traffic" engineers that make you stop at traffic lights needlessly).

I have talked to our traffic engineer and his arguement against changing the settings is that he would have to get off his lazy ass and go out there and make hundreds of changes. The Saudis win - thanks to these pukes.

Original: Oil Addiction? - The Quickest Reduction