Council minutes show Coyotl was cut off two minutes before 7 pm

by Duane J. Roberts Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 5:55 AM

The minutes of the January 3rd meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council were recently posted online by the City Clerk. Not only do they state the meeting began at 6:00 pm, but they record that Mayor Allan Mansoor declared a "recess" at 6:58 pm. This confirms what investigative journalist John Earl, myself, and others have been saying all along: that Mansoor abruptly cut off Coyotl Tezcatlipoca about 40 seconds before his time was up and he did it roughly two minutes before the 7:00 pm "deadline."

Hello everybody:

I'm writing this message to point out that the minutes

of the January 3rd meeting of the Costa Mesa City

Council were recently posted online by the City Clerk

and they clearly state the meeting began at 6:00 pm;

they also record that Mayor Allan Mansoor declared a

"recess" at 6:58 pm.

Check them out at the following link:

This document confirms what investigative journalist

John Earl, myself, and others have been saying all

along: that Mansoor not only abruptly cut off

Coyotl Tezcatlipoca about 40 seconds before his time

was up, but that he did it roughly two minutes before

the 7:00 pm "deadline."

I should mention these minutes are "unofficial,"

meaning that they haven't been "approved" by the City

Council as of yet. Maybe they'll tinker with the

timeline a bit to mitigate the liability the

municipality faces in any future civil rights lawsuit

that will be filed against them? ;)

At the last meeting of the City Council, Mansoor

made a statement which supposedly rationalized the

reason why he behaved the way he did toward Coyotl. I

don't know if it was cleared by the City Attorney, but

it sure didn't help him at all; he dug himself into

a much deeper hole. His political grave, perhaps? ;)


Duane J. Roberts


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Original: Council minutes show Coyotl was cut off two minutes before 7 pm