December - Activists Very Active

by D. Burbeck Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 8:06 PM

Dispite cold temperatures, last month was a very active month for activists around the country and the world.

In a campaign organized by, volunteers

across the country submitted over 400,000 petitions

promoting a time based withdrawal from Iraq to 286

congressional home offices.

Activists in DC are showing up at the homes and offices of Bush

Admimistration officials and congresspeople singing songs,

delivering petitions and demonstrating against the war.

Henry Kissinger "was shouted down and called a mass murderer

several times" during his appearance at New York University and

Ann Coulter walked off the stage in Connecticut after being booed.

A group of activists from around the country actually went to Gitmo to

meet with the prisoners in a very unusual demonstration where they

fasted "to protest the treatment of suspected terrorists being held

at the base".

House Rep. Curt Weldon has finally been granted a congressional

hearing into Able Danger where the two intelligence officers who

have been censored from speaking will be allowed to testify.

Anti-recruitment demonstrations continue even though the people

involved are considered a "threat" to national security and are among

the people being survieled by the NSA (some say illegally).

The International Human Rights Day saw many demonstrations in

cities around the world.

"Thousands turn out for a march coinciding with the UN Climate

Change Conference (in Montreal). Tens of thousands of people

ignored frigid temperatures Saturday to lead a worldwide day of

protest against global warming."

And of course, thousands of people around the world stood in the

streets to protest against the WTO meetings in Hong Kong.

Also, the "I-word" is being spoken by Senator Pelosi and Rep. Conyers

who has introduced a bill "to create a select committee to investigate

possible crimes and make recommendations regarding grounds for


For all of these reports and more, see Protest News:

Original: December - Activists Very Active