Bush Step Down-Massive Protests Jan 31 & Feb 4th

by wcw Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005 at 3:51 PM


BUSH: STEP DOWN And Take Your Program With You!
1. Jan. 31, on The Night of President Bush’s State of the Union Address:

Bring the Noise!

Drown Out Bush’s Lies!

In large cities and small towns all across the country, join in rallies one hour before Bush’s address as we make our determination to “Drive Out the Bush Regime” the political message of the day.

At 9:00 PM EST, just as Bush starts to speak, everywhere we will BRING THE NOISE. In a cacophony of sound, we will drown out his address with music: from drums to violins, from hip hop and classical; and with noise: banging pots and ringing church bells, sound car horns and lifting our voices.

(following the State of the Union)

Washington D.C.

The Saturday after the State of the Union address, massive numbers will protest at the seat of government. Prominent voices of conscience will help deliver the people’s verdict on Bush’s criminal regime with our demand: Bush Step Down And Take Your Program with You!

Start Organizing Now!

Flier now available: click here to download.

Find a rally in your city on Jan. 31, or organize one yourself. [click here]


January 31 Convergences PDF Print E-mail
Jan. 31, on The Night of President Bush’s State of the Union Address:

Bring the Noise! Drown Out Bush’s Lies!

In large cities and small towns all across the country, join in rallies one hour before Bush’s address as we make our determination to “Drive Out the Bush Regime” the political message of the day.

At 9:00 PM EST, just as Bush starts to speak, everywhere we will BRING THE NOISE. In a cacophony of sound, we will drown out his address with music: from drums to violins, from hip hop and classical; and with noise: banging pots and ringing church bells, sound car horns and lifting our voices.

To organize a rally in your area, email info@worldcantwait.org

Beginning list of convergences accross the country (more to come):
(all rallies begin at 8pm EST unless otherwise noted)


LA: 5pm KTLA TV, Van Ness & Sunset Blvd.
6pm march to CNN, Cahuenga & Sunset Blvd.
7pm rally

San Diego: Horton Plaza Fountain. Fourth and Broadway. 4:30pm


Atlanta: CNN Center


Chicago: 5pm Pioneer Plaza(Tribune Plaza) on N. Michigan Ave. near Chicago Tribune and NBC TV affiliate. Neigborhood Drownouts also planned.


Detroit: Fourth and Main, Royal Oak, MI

Kalamazoo: The Ravenwood Coffee, 773 W. Michigan Ave.

New Jersey:

Bergen County: Van Neste Square in Ridgewood, NJ

New York:

NYC: Times Square, 42nd and Broadway

Rhode Island:

Westerley: March and demonstration downtown