Going public on the Gilchrist campaign

by EX-minuteman CC Thursday, Dec. 08, 2005 at 3:07 AM

Photo of the Gilchrist campaign van at their "victory party." Noting my intention to type a complete statement on my experience with SOS/Gilchrist campaign/Minuteman groups.

Going public on the ...
campaignvaninfo.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x360

I used to post on Indymedia as "Minuteman CC" or "CC". Because of the childish behavior, I decided to stop posting. But because of what I've seen in the Gilchrist campaign and me being kicked out, which I'll go public on, I guess I have some answering to do here. Since I have posted on here. Right?

Anyways, I plan on typing a complete statement on my experience and why I'm no longer in SOS or anything related to the Minuteman Project. And why I was kicked out of the Gilchrist campaign and why I'm happy to not be in it. And what I'm going public with.

You hear that Mary Parker Lewis?

According to her, I'm a "former Anarchist." Wow. :-)

As for the whole issue of people being here against the U.S. immigration laws, I'm largely taking a step back. I see it as a cycle of rights, wrongs, and in-betweens going in all directions. I think of myself more as a simple guy. I act on no-brainers.

For example, I promoted Buy Nothing Day. Excessive consummerism is a problem, a no-brainer. I don't have to do much soul searching to take on that issue.

Anyways, I'll end by stating that a couple of white nationalists indeed did campaign work in the Gilchrist offices. But I won't identify them for two reasons. One is because while I'm sure they're over 18 years of age, I can't guarantee that. And two, because of my safety or at least the intention by others to affect my safety.

Stay tuned! Maybe here to start with, or maybe I'll go ahead to L.A. Times or Fox or CNN or something. I'll have to figure out how to do this. Maybe KPFK?

I was at the KFI event the day before the election to stick it to Jim's slimebag career campaign managers. But I didn't really have an effect on the election results.

And for the record, I support the Urban Farm in South Central L.A. and hope it stays. Ralph Horowitz can eat ass.