Not Martial Arts, cRuiciaL aRtS (visionary!)

by un-corralling himself Thursday, Nov. 10, 2005 at 9:57 PM

Let's face it, today's society is a form of 'low intensity war'; we are a colonized lot, compelled away from our pre-colonized imaginations long ago. We are bred to fight, and we regularly fall back on all we know. Then, to evolve the situation, to "wage peace", some of us are going to go to a kind of "peace war". This war is the war of cRuciaL aRts, not Martial Arts. Sections include: intro scenario, a craZy sketch, then a realistic sketch; after that is 'seeking to articulate'

Not Martial Arts, cR...
caughtorangehanded.jpg, image/jpeg, 479x618

(see next sections of this in "comments" section below!)

(this is much better hand-written/drawn, but i lack resources to change that, at this *point*)

some people just gotta have it, gotta have war. (bear with me please) But they don't know that there's a difference between always society war (a form of low intensity war) and world elite routine severe alienation war...aNd there's also another t o t a l l y other formulation of this thing we *like* so much about 'war' war war war war!

NOT MARTIAL ARTS war, mind you,


cRuCiaL aRtS waR!

CruciaL aRts(z) war--


processing, being & becoming;

ju-jitsuing planted colonization traps!

ARtinG our deepest desires in process!

Permitting ourselves!

RealizinG the vaLue of being radically excellent and/or beautiful with each other!

(not that there's a hierarchy of rigid value; it's all informal human beings daring to be their HEARTS in continually becoming depth arts(z)!)


(i's/you's could use funding. i's/you's could use critical thinking. i's/you's could if others would. If not, i's'll (and you's'll?) go on & continue anyway, 'cutting' bigger corners--hey, i kinda like being thinner again finally, anyway!)



yOU've known it since you were a kid

encouraged to fight to

go to meaningful depth.

Yet now such becomes so old, so over-done, so fucking fucked-up.

cRuciAL aRts?

Old wayz with the new!

Pow-Wow-Pows dancing at multiversities of phires, AIM 'activists' tryin to compell their semi-colonized wills, us all artinG back and forth, til we start to see!

Ganja peace circles, Beer peace circles, Liquor Peace Circles, aNd so on

Drink and/or 'drug' til ya drop.

Then we see some of our truths &

move on to another tes(z)t.****

Shall we (critter crawlin on my paper too) always be reduced

to fearing, punching, kicking, biting, destroying?

i don't kno about yOu, but:

i's aM mUCH MORE & look,

some of i's, it's 'just *us*' to SOAR, to coRe, to

cruciaL aRtS rOaR! (and thus, cruciaL artS(z) goes to 'war'.)

(****denotes old-style art-texting that puts both "s" & "z" together in one letter)

(next section is "Handling G.I. Joe" in comment area below!)

Original: Not Martial Arts, cRuiciaL aRtS (visionary!)