Stornfront Coming to BP?

by Next Move Friday, Jun. 24, 2005 at 6:36 PM

The message below was taken from a StormFront message board thread.

Stornfront Coming to...
victorville_6-11-05_007.jpgsyxppy.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480

Pro-White activist from the Southern California area will be gathering on Saturday, June 25th to protest the Anti-White monument located in Baldwin Park. On Saturday, June 11th over 35 White Nationalists from Stormfornt, National Vanguard, and other Pro-White organizations gathered in city of Victorville to protest Home Depot’s Pro-Illegal Alien day labor policy. The reason we had such a low turn out was because of the location. However, Baldwin Park is located in the major metropolitan city of L.A.

We are asking for your support and willingness to unite for a common cause, please exhaust all the possible options before you decide not to attend!

Baldwin Park protest information:

On May 14th, 2005 Californians decided enough was enough. The city of Baldwin Park, California erected a monument using YOUR tax dollars with the following phrases; “This land was Mexican once, was Indian always and is and will be again” and “It was better before they came.” Upon arriving at the site of this seditious “hate” filled monument, your fellow patriotic neighbors were met by a mob of anti-American counter-protesters whom were united under the banner of “Aztlan,” the mythical notion that the Southwestern United States belongs to the descendants of the Aztec people and should be returned to them. They held up their anti-American propaganda, shouted their anti-American rhetoric and demanded that we leave “their” land. The Californians stood their ground, insisting that this monument come down, frustrating the mob of anti-Americans to the point that they began hurling objects over the police into the crowd of Patriots. Unfortunately, the cowards managed to strike an elderly

woman in the head with a bottle, sending her to the hospital and causing the police to break up the protest.

On Saturday, June 25th Californians will be returning to Baldwin Park to once again demand that this traitorous monument be brought down. We need YOUR support. Please come join us in our stand for our state, our country, our people and OUR WAY OF LIFE. How often have you felt overwhelmed by the problems we face in this country? How often have you decided that there is nothing you can do to make a difference? How often have you longed for a homeland that will not treat its OWN citizens as if they did not have a right to live celebrating the values of our forefathers? As we approach our celebration of freedom and independence, I make my plea for all Americans to stand with us and make it known that this is OUR country and we will not have it taken from us because we are too politically correct to stand up for our culture, our country and our people.

Bring a flag, bring a friend, and stand up for our people. We can stop this silly “reconquista” movement in its tracks if we stand together.

Baldwin Park Monument Protest

Metrolink Rail Station

(Corner of Downing & Pacific)

Saturday, June 25th

12 PM - 2 PM

Original: Stornfront Coming to BP?